The Ritual

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I was once a pretty well respected angel in Heaven. I, like Lucifer, had eventually found myself as God's "right-hand man". This didn't last long because I had found my way up the ranks with help from The Devil. In return, I was to be His spy. But it seems I won't be able to fulfill my end of the deal now that I am one of The Fallen.

... My halo and wings are to be taken from me tomorrow.

»»»»»The Next Day«««««

"Caleb, ... it is time, My Son", His voice is as calm and fatherly as ever but there was a kind of pain in it that wasn't there before. "Caleb, get up".

I sat up, looking at the ground, refusing to meet God's eyes. He puts his arm around me, guiding me to the sort of crevasse where they perform the ritual for angels who are sentenced to be one of the Fallen. Once this pain is over I will ... either be a wandering lost soul or be taken in by The Devil to become part of His army. But ... what if Lucifer is angry at me because I can't finish my part of our deal and He decides to torture me for the rest of my eternity? What if ... what if he makes me mortal and truly kills me and I no longer live? What if I become ... nothing?

Before my mind could continue with all of my "what if"s I was shaken back to reality by the stern voice of a young adult male angel, "Lay down on this block with your wings spread".

I take a deep but strained breath and follow his orders. The concrete block is bloodstained and cold ... Very cold. I didn't know where to start preparing myself for the eminence pain I am about to experience. I focused on steadying my breaths and do my best to keep myself calm and relaxed.

They begin to strap me down to this torture block and all the time I'd took to get myself at least a little calm quickly became a waste of time and effort. The chains are strapped around tightly on my wrists, ankles, waist, neck, and my wings. I hear a heavy clank then the sound of metal being dragged. It stopped and then suddenly - "WHACK"!

Pain shot threw my wing and spreads through my shoulder and up and down my spine. I cry out and scream. The ax has just made a clean cut through my wing and to its bone. "WHA-CRACKLE" goes yet another swing of the ax down onto the bone. I pull at my restraints, gritting my teeth, tears blurring my vision. After what seemed like years, they wiggle and pull the remaining bone out of its socket leaving a gaping, bloody hole where my left wing used to connect to my shoulder. And after that ... on to the next wing.


Finally (the worse than the torture in Hell) pain was over. I had blood splattered all over my back and there were stitches where my wings used to be, making moving my arms rather painful. They remove my halo and throw me out of the gates. The fall felt like forever and I could feel my heart straining to beat as fast as it's wanting to beat.

I practically crashed onto Earth like an asteroid. My body went completely numb on impact. I try to get up but I can hardly move. I feel dizzy and weak, my vision growing black and blurry. I thought I saw ... a half goat man ... but I ca-

Caleb The FallenWhere stories live. Discover now