chapter 2

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Abbi's POV

" There was no one there. " Jake told our therapist, as we sat in her office. I didn't trust her so I didn't say much. Not like that was a change though.  " May I say Jake, Abbigail. That considering this was only a month ago. I think your doing exceptionally well. " Dr. Gollan said. I rolled my eyes. Yeah and I. That month I had started to cut my self again. Which I something I usually only do in the winter and late fall when it's okay to wear long sleeves, only one month in which I had locked myself up in my room and not come out, not even for food. ( Not that my parents cared. Only Jacob would bring me food sometimes, and I would occasionally eat that. ) Which had made me noticeably skinnier.

" Apart from being crazy? " Jake asked and I nodded in agreement. " Having nightmares, and anxiety does not make you crazy. " Dr. Gollan replied. " What about seeing things that aren't there. " " Actually in tramatic situations it not at all uncommon. Your subconscious mind created an image, like from a movie or... "

" It was a story... " Then as Jake explained it, and how it was just dogs. Which I believed not at all. I had a flash back to when we were kids and Jake still believed the stories.

~~ Flash back ~~

Still Abbi's POV

Grandpa had come over and babysat us while our parents went out.
He had gotten a map out to show us where he had been on his adventures. " Puerto Rico. There's a lake were the water glows in the dark. And a sacred tunnel. That's where I hid from the monsters. " Then my brother put. Red dot there on the map. Then our parents got home. " Abe, it like 11 o clock. What is he doing up? " My mom asked. Grandpa frown when she left me out.  " I'm gonna be an explorer! " Jake said cheerfully. " And, I'm going g to go with him and write all about it! " I said equally as cheerfully. " Grandpa's helping us plan our first voyage. " Jake continued. " Everything's already been discovered buddy. " Our father said, also ignoring me. Grandpa frowned. But stood up and said... " Pay not attention to your father he knows bubkiss. Come Tygrysku, Kwiat Tygrysów. Off to bed. " Then he would take us to Jacobs bedroom. " Can you tell us a story. " Jake and I asked together. " The usual? " Grandpa asked. And we nodded. " Okay... " He started  " Once Upon a Time there was a little boy... " Grandpa said as I said it with him. But we were interrupted by Jake saying, " with the pictures. " Then grandpa would get the box of pictures out from under the bed, and continue telling the story, this time I only​ listened. " Once upon a time the was a little boy named Abe. " " That was you. " Jake and I interrupted. " That was me, and he lived in a lovely children's home on the little island near Wales. Where the sun Shone everyday. The head mistriss, Mrs. Peregrine was very clever. And she smoked a pipe. " " She could turn into a bird! " Jake said but I shushed him. " It was a ho.e for special children, like Bronwyn, and Victor. " Grandpa said holding up their picture. " They were both as strong as ten men. And Hugh. Hugh had bees living inside him. Where's Emma? She could float. " Jake said. " She was lighter than air. She had to wear special shoes made of lead to keep he from floating away. " " What about Enoch? Or Olive? " I asked.  " He  could put hearts and brains into other being and control them! " I said.             " That's exactly right, Abbi. " " Where are they now? " Jake asked. " They are still in the home I believe. My Mama and Papa sent me there. To live with the special children. And now Trgysku, Kwiat Tygrysów time for sleep. " He would always call me Kwiat Tygrysów, it ment tiger flower in polish. " Why did you mom and dad send you away? " Jake asked. " Well where we lived in Poland. It wasn't safe. There were monsters. " " What kind of monsters? " I asked eagerly. " Huge ones with long arms. And no eyes and tentacles like this... " As he did that he stood up and made tentacles out of his fingers in his shadow. Then he would pick me up and carry me to my room and put me in bed.

~~ next flash back ~~

Jacob and I had always believed the stories until one day. Jacob presented the pictures to the class. Everyone except me laughed at him. After I believed it too. I was just too shy to go announce it to the world. Or anyone for that matter.

Later that day, we were at Grandpa's house and Jake gave Grandpa back his box of pictures. " My teacher says they were trick photos. " He said. " And did you believe her? "  " Dad said you probably found them at a drug store someplace while you were traveling. "
" I would never lie to you Tygrysku, Kwiat Tygrysów. "

" But you did. About the home. The monsters. Dad said told me. "

" Your father knows very well I went to the childrens home. "

" He said there really were monsters in Poland. Just not the kind with tentacles. He said you got sent to Wales because there were bad people. People who wanted to kill anyone who was different. "

" I don't want to talk about this anymore. " Grandpa said.

" He said the children were special but not the way you said. " I glared at Jacob for continuing when Grandpa said he didn't want to talk about it anymore, as Grandpa came and sat between us and hugged us. 

~~ next flash back ~~

" Grandpa! " I said as I walked into the house. At this time I was in about 4th grade. " Grandpa look! I wrote another story!" I called. He smiled as I sat down next to him, and handed him my journal where it was written down, so he could follow along while I told the story. After I finished, Grandpa smiled. " That was a wonderful story Kwiat Tygrysów. But Where did you get the idea, for the girl whose extra power was to be able to replay things? " He asked. I smiled. " Well one day I was at the beach watching the sunset and all of a sudden it just replayed it's self! " I replied. " I see. You know an Ymbrene can do that. The loops are just larger scale forms of that. There must be a peculiar in the area. " He would say. " Oh. Can I meet her. I would love to meet anyone peculiar. They're amazing. " I said. " Why didn't you stop believing in the stories like your brother, Abbi? " " Because Grandpa, it doesn't matter if they aren't phisically real, they are real to me. " I replied. Grandpa hugged me. " I have an idea. I'm sure the Peculiar children would love to hear your stories. Would you like to send your journal to them? "  " Yes, yes. And Mrs. Peregrine could read them to the children during movie time so they could have a bit of a change! " I said. At that time I was still generally happy. At home I was quieter since my parents could never remember my name. But with time it got to the point where I was like two entirely different people. The quiet girl who's​ only friend is her notebook and pen. The girl who is always reading, and is always off in her own world, and always looks depressed. And then there was the girl and Grandpa's house. She smiled, and told very detailed stories, but was a wonderful listener herself. She had grown out of her blind happiness but she still believed in the stories her Grandfather told her. As they and her own stories were her only escape from the reality in which her parents didn't love or care for her.

~~ final flashback ~~

" Grandpa? " I called as I entered the house.  I was about twelve this time.He was sitting on the couch as usual. " Do you remember when an Ymbrene on the beach rewatched the sunset. Well I think she was also at the stables today. As I was brushing the horse I take care of there, I had almost finished when suddenly it needed to be done again. So I did it again, and again. I really quite enjoyed it. Brushing the horses always calmed me down. " I said. Grandpa smiled. " Well, then. She must be very talented. "

~~ end flash backs ~~

Even after I was done with the flash backs I remembered as I got older life kept  getting worse. People bullied me in school and it just added on to the pain at home. I ended up cutting my self in during the winters when I could hide the scars with long sleeves. The useless unhelpful therapy lessen ended and I went home and shut myself in my room again.

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