chapter 6

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Abbi's POV

Jacob, father and I were sitting at a table eating breakfast when Jake said , " do you mind if we hang out with those other kids today?  they asked." I nodded. I knew what he was playing at. It was a cover we were going to go back to the children's home instead. " Yeah, that's awesome. " Dad replied. And I smiled even though I could get up and jump off a cliff, and die and he wouldn't care. Jake would. But dad wouldn't.

~~ time skip ~~

Jacob and I walked up to the house. It was covered in ivy and there were hole in the was everywhere. When Jacob a d I walked inside it was all dusty, and I coughed. It was sad even though I knew the kids were probably all alive back in 1943. I picked up a picture and dusted it off. It was a photo of all of the children and Mrs. Peregrine. There was a broken calendar/clock on the ground. And we walked up the stairs. The whole place had a spooky air to it. And a chill went down my spine but it wasn't a bad chill. We walked down the hall and explored the rooms. The as we reentered the hall there was a girl her face was shadowed but she said.            " Abe? " Jake freaked out and started running. But the girl knew our Grandpa. And she looked kind of familiar. Could she have been one of the peculiar children? Either way I followed Jake down the stairs. " Jake! Jake stop. They knew Grandpa! " I called after him. Down stairs almost everywhere we turned there we children. Popping out from hiding. They all looked like children from. The photos. Jake continued running and I chased after him until, he tripped fell, and hit his head. The idiot. All of​ the children walked out from their hiding places. The one we saw upstairs joined them. I looked at them putting names to faces as I recalled from the photos. " Emma, Olive, Bronwyn, Millard, and the twins. " I said. Looking at each of them, they nodded. " Abbi, pleasure to meet you all. " I said, a little quietly, my shyness taking over. " Come on, we should get back to the loop entrance before anyone sees us. " Emma said. Bronwyn came over and picked up Jacob and we started walking to a cave. When we were almost there Jake started to wake up, so Bronwyn dropped him. I stood about halfway between them and Jacob when he stood up. He looked dumbfounded. " Your Emma. And uh, the twins, and Olive, and Bronwyn, and he's Millard. " Jake said. " No, your dead, all of you. I mean, he he's invisible but he's still dead. " I rolled my eyes. " None of us are dead. " Jake got a terrified look on his face, " Am I dead. "  He asked. I shook my head.       " No one here is Dead, Jacob. " I said. " You, you called me Abe, in the house,  why? " Jake asked. " You looked like him. Just for a moment, before you started screaming, running away and cuncussing your self. " Emma replied. " Wait, what's happening. " Jacob asked confused. " We're, waiting until the coast is clear, before we go into the loop. " I said. Olive came over and ushered him over to the rest of us saying, " you never know who might be watching. "  " Wait, before we, before we go into the what? " Jake asked. " The loop. Jacob. " I said. " Please Jake, Mrs. Peregrines saw you two on the ferry. She sent us to get you. " Emma said and with that we all walked into the cave. Once inside the cave there was a noise. Which I figure was us passing into 1943. But Jake being the idiot he is. He ran out of the cave. I gave the children an apologetic look and chased after him. He ran where I figured he would the Priest Hole, which is what the hotel was called. But it didn't seem like such a good Idea given that it could have been something else back in 1943. We got there and I was right. Jacob started climbing the stairs. I walked to the base and tried to stop him but before I could a man said, " Hey, where do you think your going? " Both of us froze. " To my room. " Jake said. What. An. Idiot.  " I'm, a I'm a guest here. " " Does this look like a hotel to you? " Uh yeah. No, I've uh, I've got a key. Talk to the manager he'll tell you. " Jake said climbing back down the stairs, and holding out the key.  " I'm the manager boy. " The Man said taking the key. I stepped up behind Jacob and tried to pull him to the door. " He's American, maybe he's army. Don't know about the girl though. " A woman said.  " Bollux, listen to his accent. It's terrible. They're spies. " Another man said stepping toward us.  " What? No. We're not. We're tourists. " Jake said. I nodded a little. The first man, the manager, grabbed Jake's jacket roughly and another man grabbed my hands and held them behind my back as the manager said, " I say we get the truth out of  them the old fashion way.  " Then to my relief plates and cups started flying everywhere crashing and breaking. It also distracted, the people holding, Jake and I. I knew it was Millard. Then Olive came and led us out side before lighting the place on fire. Jake was distracted but I ran after Olive and got on a horse drawn cart. " Jake get on! " Olive shouted. As Emma told the horses to run. Jake ran and caught up with us. The horse pulled us down the road and once we were a distance away from the town Jacob said. " I can't believe your real. " " Well we have been trying to tell you. " Emma said. " At least your sister knows how to not freak out. " " But I'm special too. " Jake said, and I realized what he mentioned he thought he did that in the Priest Hole. With the plates and cups, when it was really Millard. " What? " Emma said.    " In the pub. Olive, Abbi. You saw right. Everything was flying and breaking. And that was me! I was doing it with my mind. " I looked at him and shook my head sadly. " No, that was me. " Millard said. " Millard? " Jake questioned. " Yeah, " he replied. " Are you naked? " Yeah. " Then Emma reached down and pulled out some clothes for Millard to put on.  " Oh, " Jake said dejectedly. " A bomb dropped on you in 1943. " Jake said. " It is 1944. " Olive said. " September third 1943. ," Millard added. " All day everyday. It's our loop. " Emma finished. Then we got to the home. It was new, and not in pieces. We walked up to the door and they opened revealing, Mrs. Peregrine. " Right on time. " She said " Mrs Peregrine, delighted to meet you. " She said shaking both Jake and I's hands. " I do hope I'm Not going to have the pub land lord knocking on my door with the police again. I've had to kill them twice this month. It's been terribly inconvenient. " " Millard broke a few things, that's all, and Olive may have started a tiny fire. But. They were going to hurt Jake, and Abbi. " Emma said entering the house with Millard and Olive. Jake and I walked up closer. " Look at you two. The last time dear Abe, sent me a photo of you two ,you were just a tiny tots. Don't just stand there come in, your teas getting cold. " Mrs Peregrine said letting us in. We walked inside and she shut the door behind us.  " How did you know about the pub. " Jake asked. " Well, you weigh approximately 109 pounds correct? And Abbi weighs about 87 pounds. So if Bronwyn and the twins returned six minutes after you ran away with Abbi chasing. And quiet apart from the part of the perceived safety of the pub makes it the most likely place to which you would run. It would take you 18 minutes to get there. Emma and Millard have been moments behind on the horse trap traveling at about 8.2 miles per hour. Factoring in some sort of kerfuffle at the pub. And the return journey with both or your added weight. You would arrive at 13 minutes past four. Now then, do take sugar? " Mrs. Peregrine said. And headed to the kitchen where Olive was boiling the tea. " That'll do thank you Olive. No body enjoys over boiled tea. " Mrs. P said then Olive poured the tea. Olive looked through the door way where another boy, about my age was getting some jars from a cabinet. He looked in the room and I smiled faintly at him, while Olive said. " Let me help you with those Enoch. " A little grudgingly. " Don't bother wouldn't want to interrupt you tea party. " The boy said and walked off. Olive finished pouring and chased after him frowning. " I'm so sorry for you loss, Abbigail, Jacob. " Mrs P. Said. " You know then... " Jake said. " I know if Abe were alive. He would have told me you were coming. " Mrs. P. Replied a little glumly. I looked down at my shoes. " Shall we take our tea outside? " Mrs P. Asked handing us each a cup and leading us out the door. " Before he died he told us to find you. He said you could explain everything. " Jake said. Mrs P. Smiled, " that's absolutely true. There are very few things I can't explain. We're what's known in common parlents as peculiar. " She said and I nodded. A girl came up to us and Mrs P. Held out a pocket watch.  " 15, seconds late Fiona " Mrs P. Said to the girl. " Sorry, Mrs Peregrine. How many carrots do we need for supper? " The girl asked. " Just one will do. " Mrs. P replied. Then the girl ran off into the garden and started growing a humongous carrot. No wonder they only needed one. " As I was saying some people are peculiar. It's a recessive gene carried down through families. Yet many generations can pass with out a peculiar children being born. And alas peculiars have been persecuted through the ages. Hence we live in aces like this. " Jake looked confused fused but I understood perfectly. " In Wales? " He asked. " Anywhere will do if you pick the right day. That's fine now Fiona. You see Im a type of peculiar called an Ymbrene. That means I, " she started. " Yeah you turn into a bird. " Jake said. " You know, they can also manipulate time right. " I said very quietly. But Mrs, Peregrine heard. " Yes, Abbi. I do. Turning into a bird isn't very useful. An Ymbrenes main skill is the manipulation of time. We choose a safe place, a safe day. And we create a loop. " She explained to my brother. " What do you mean? " He asked stupidly. " Why a loop, preserves the last twenty four hours. Reset the loop and the day is your to live in again. Reset it daily and you can stay there forever. Entirely safe from the outside world. Right on time Bronwyn good girl. " Mrs. P said. As Bronwyn came and picked up the giant carrot and hauled it away. " And that's why we Ymbrenes are charged with the care of the young. " Mrs. P continued. " And no one gets older. " Jake said.  " It's best for everyone this way. I assure you. Every Ymbrene commits herself to the creation and keep of a place like this. A home for Peculiar children. " Mrs P. Said taking out cups and leading us around to meet the other children. " You met the twins. This is Claire. " The children all ran off to play. " Millard you two met. And that's Hugh. " Mrs. P said. Poi ting to a boy playing a game of soccer and cheating horribly. Then a well dressed boy the games ref. Told them to stop squabling, then came over to us. " Good afternoon. I'm Horace. Delighted to me you. We sorely need some new blood here. Super shirt by the way. " He said shaking our hands. " You know Emma of course. And I think that's everyone. "  Mrs. P finished. " Didn't Bronwyn have a brother? " Jake asked. " Yes, Victor's upstairs. Wait where did Enoch and Olive go? " Mrs P. Asked Emma. " Heaven knows. Enoch's been off sulking ever since we went out to get Jake and Abbi. " Emma replied. " Mrs. Peregrine, there's a policeman at the door he's says it's about the pub! " Fiona said. " We'll discuss this later Emma. " Mrs P. Said then walked off to go take care of it, but Jacob said. " It wasn't their fault. Honestly they were just trying to help. " As he did this Emma blushed. They like each other. Mrs. Peregrine walked off.. " Well, I'm uh going to go take a look around the house. I'll see you later Jake.  " I said. Quietly walking away and staring at my shoes.  I walked around the yard taking everything in. Jake doesn't know it but only Peculiars can enter loops. So I must have a peculiarity, right but what is it. After a while Jake walked up to me. " Hey, Abbi, we're going to stay for dinner okay? " I nodded. " You'll need to change into something more formal though. I have a dress you can borrow. Come by my room in a little bit and I'll give it to you. Then we walked upstairs, trying to find our Grandfather's room.

Enoch's POV ( because I can )

I went to go get some hearts and brains to put in some doll like things but there where some people in the kitchen with Mrs. Peregrine and Olive. One was a boy, he looked quite a bit like Abe did. I could tell we wouldn't get along. But next to the boy was a girl about my age, she had blondish brown hair, and her face looked like a more feminine version of Abe's. She was pretty. Poor girl I bet Olive's going to try and have her take her place. From when Olive tried to be my friend. It was fine at first but then she started seeing why no one else had been my friend before. But she felt bad so she's going to stay my " friend " until she can find so.eone to take her place. I don't mid the lonliness really but it is nice just to have someone there. Or at least it would be if they didn't have an energy that said they clearly didn't want to be there. The new girl. Looked up a little and smiled faintly at me. I smiled faintly back. When Olive said, " Let me help, you with those Enoch. " I frowned at her. " Don't bother. I wouldn't want to interrupt your tea party. " Olive looked back and forth between the girl and I before I left then. She followed me. I set the jars on the table in my room. Olive came in and said. " You should talk to the new girl. Abbi. I think you two would get along well. " So that's her name. Abbi. " You're kidding yourself Olive. No one ever likes people who act like me. Give up. If she's got any sense in her she'll steer clear of me no matter what you say. " I replied. Beginning to work on my " toys ". " You don't know that. The person who wrote the stories Abe sent us seems to like people with your personality. " " Yeah, well. We have no way of connecting with whoever wrote that. Besides it was probably just a normal human who wrote that. Abe must've bought it at a store and thought we could use some​ different stories.  " I replied.

~~ flash back ~~

Still Enoch's POV

" Children! " Mrs. Peregrine called out as we all sat down for movie time. " I have a special treat for you. Abe sent us this book in the mail.  So instead of movie time I'm going to read from it. " She continued. Everyone smiled at each other glad for a change. Even I was curious, about this. Then Mrs. Peregrine read the story. It was rather long. But it was very good. It was fiction, and the main character was a girl, who lived at a boarding school for the Arts. She was a music person.  And while there she met a glum boy who liked to draw. But he drew sad things, scary things. He reminded me of me. The girl was kind hearted though, and a little shy. So she would talk to him. Eventually they became friends, and the girl helped him with something unexpected in a very unexpected way. The girl it seemed was peculiar, like an Ymbrene. It was a good story. And I especially like how the auto portrayed the boy. That was only one out of a few stories in the book and Mrs. Peregrine let me keep the book to read the others.

~~ end flash back ~~

Abbi's POV

While we were walking down the hall Olive came out of a room and said, " Jacob, Abbi. Come meet Enoch properly. " We followed her into the room. Enoch was sitting at the desk messing with a small heart. There were organs in jars all over the room.  " Well you must feel pretty out of place. " Enoch said. I nodded slightly and looked down at my shoes. " Don't worry I'm, I'm used to it. " Jake said.     " I wasn't worried. Some advice for you though man to man, if you're thinking of staying just because you like Emma. Don't bother. See, she swore off romance decades ago when she got her heart broken. And she's never going to change her mind. So... " He said. I looked at hi. Curiously through my hair which had fallen in front of my face like usual. I knew what he was doing he was using his peculiarity to bring some dolls to life. Grandpa said he like to make them fight each other.  " Enoch, I wasn't " Jake started. " What are you doing? " He asked.  Enoch took a heart and put it in the doll he was working on. Then he put another heart inside the head of another doll. And just like that they came to life. I smiled lightly.  " Isn't he amazing, " Olive said looking at me hopefully. I nodded slightly. " What did you do? " Jacob asked. I rolled my eyes at him. " This, Jake this isn't even the fun part. Would you like to see the fun part? " I nodded, and pointed to the one with a knife for a hand. " That one. " I said. Earning everyone's attention. " That one is going to win. " Enoch looked a little surprised, and I smiled lightly at him. Enoch then whispered into one of the dolls ears. They started fighting, and I full on smiled. Olive jumped and clapped happily seeing me smile. I ended up being right. " They're like puppets. They just do anything I tell them. It's even more fun with people. You should've seen some of the epic battles I used to have. At my​ parents funeral parlor. " Enoch said. I smiled faintly at him again. " Cool, " I said quietly. Enoch looked at me curiously, then I stared at my shoes again. " Well we better go get ready for dinner. " Jake said, and led me out the room.     " Bye, " I said quietly as we left. We walked to Emma's room.

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