Chapter 6

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A/N: Sorry guys i've been so busy its not even funny, but anyways i will let you get to the story now.


Carters pov:

so I'm just sitting here on a chair, tied up, in a random room having numerous questions thrown at me. Why? you might ask. well when i told Simon to tell them who i was he just simply said 'must be some crazy fan girl' and walked inside. He is one GREAT uncle.

Who are you?

how did you do that?

whats your number?

are you a secret spy?

Do you like food?

can you cook?

these are some of the questions thrown at me but you cant forget the comments they said 

you're hot

save me Harold she is ninja

don't steal my food

you're still hot

i bet you can tell who they came from, but the kicker of this is how they got me in here. basically they (boys & guards) tackled me while the girls duck taped my mouth shut and tied me to a chair.

"Lads that's enough, let her go." finally Paul came over and took the duct ape off my mouth so i could talk.

"Do you need me to untie you" Paul asked me. "Nah I'm good" i told him and dislocated my shoulder, wrist and ankle and slid out of the ropes then popped my bones back into place. i look up to see them all staring at me in shock.... again......

"how in the bloody hell did you do that!? and why didn't you do that in the first place?" liam asked confused yet concerned. me and Paul simply laughed and this time i decided to explain. "Simon Phillip cowell! get your 54 year old ass in here. NOW!!!" i screamed while the boys look frightened that Simon was going to come in here and yell.

instead he cautiously opened the the door looking like a dear in headlights mixed with a small child being caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar. i motioned with my finger for him to come in, once he came in he took the walk if shame with his head hanging low.

"now Simon, you will explain the REAL story of why I'm here to the boys. Do you hear me?" i asked in a motherly tone. he nodded in shame. "well boys, this is my 17 year old niece carter, she will be living with you for a while because her mother - my sister - is tired of her ways and is trying to break her." Simon finally explained. 

the boy stood there for a minute then zayn asked "what could she possibly do that is so bad? i mean besides gymnastics at least." he asked smirking. well someone likes being a cocky ass hole. "zayns right i mean how tall is she? like 5'0 or something? she couldn't make a puppy flinch." harry adds, by now i could feel the anger practically boiling inside of me.

"hey si please tell me there is a gym somewhere inside the mansion! i need it like now, even an empty studio would work." i asked in a hushed tone trying to not blow up. "down the hall take a right then 3rd door on your left" he replied. i mumbled a simple thanks and ran down the hallways and through the doors to come to this awesome gym i quickly punched and kicked each punching bag until they were all on the ground. i turned around to see almost every ones jaws dropped except one curly haired boy standing there smirking.

"awe is wittle cawrter mad? go home and cwy to daddy wittle girl." he told me in a mocking baby voice, i start to notice the world around me getting red, i start advancing toward him until someone flips me around so im facing a brick wall. my breath becomes uneven as i become more and more infuriated. i just start punching and punching ignoring the surging pain going from my knuckles to the rest of my body.

many of them try to stop me I've heard at least 4 grunts from my punching then 5 then 6. there is only one boy left until all the boys are down, yet still all i could see is red. i could hear, feel, smell, taste everything but see. i felt a pair of arms slither around my waist sending tingles throughout my body like the warm feeling when you drink hot chocolate. 

i felt myself stop and turn around and hug the boy who stopped me, for once in a long time i feel safe in someone elses arms other then Jake, aiden, Joe, or Shawn. he pulled my tighter into his chest, i started to be able to see the world again. i looked up to see a artificially blonde haired boy with bright blue eyes. i recognized him as niall horan. i refused to let go until i heard someone clear their throat behind him. 

"niall mate how did you do that? we all tried yet only you could do it." Louis asked looking back and forth from me and him. niall shrugged and Lou came up to me and hugged me. i stiffened then lightly hugged him back a bit. "shit, your knuckles sweat heart they have to be broken lets go to the hospital." Simon said then walked in front of me messing with my knuckles. "how are you not flinching or acting like your in pain?" liam asked concerned. 

"Because my motto is: Crawling is acceptable, Falling is acceptable, puking is acceptable, pain is acceptable, blood is acceptable, but quitting is not." i told them. "look I'm sorry for being so cold to you when you first came here, i just was having a horrid day." liam told me head hanging in shame."nah its okay i forgive you and zayn, but not harry" i replied glaring at harry in the process. 

"I don't know who you think you are, but you know my name not my story harry Edward styles so don't you say one rude thing about me unless you want to be like the punching bags" i motioned to the shattered bags on the floor with sand over flowing out of them.  "or like that wall over there" i motioned to the now dented wall, sad thing is its brick so it was painful. 

"now to the hospital, i think you broke your hand." uncle Si said before Paul picked me up and started taking me to the car, i screamed and started hitting his back "no no no i don't want to go please" i beg and start panicking. he drops me because i kept hitting him and screaming. i took of running and lets say i was asked to join the track for Olympics.... soooo..... i beat them i hid behind a tree. 

someone jerks me out from behind the tree and roughly carries me back to the rest i look up to see a mess of curls. once again i flip out, he purposely hits me in my hands to make me scream in pain while struggling. liam gently takes me from harry but I'm still flipping out i got passes through all the one direction boys and struggled until i hit niall he whispers soothing words into my ear until i calm. 

i just stay still in his arms comfortable and safe until we get to the car. i start to fall asleep, i hear the whispers from everyone else. "once again he did it how in the world do you do that?" they all ask. i feel niall shrug as i curl more into his chest. "niall since she is going to live with you can you have her sleep in the room next to yours? you know the one with the secret connecting door?" he whispered the last part. "i would love to" he replies, you can almost hear the grin in his Irish accent. 

those were the last words i hear before falling into a peaceful sleep still curled up in this Irish leprechauns arms. where i feel safe here.

A/N: well that was long.... do you want me todo longer chapters like this???? Tell me!!!!!

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