Chapter 5 - Homeless

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Gavin woke up in game still in the same bed with everyone but Ryan, who seemed to be in the bathroom was asleep, obvious they had their head sets on with the breathing coming from their character, yet for some reason decided to stay sleeping. Gav got up gently, as to not wake the two lads and looked down the mini hall at the light that came from the bathroom, the sound of running water coming from the room too. Gav wonder why there even was a shower, the characters didn't NEED to shower, though it probably still felt nice, and even though it was a game, their avatars did get dirty, along with their clothes.

So Gav took off his clothes, leaving the boxers his avatar wore and filling a bucket with water from the kitchens sink, going out to the thankfully walled off balcony to wash his clothes. The only thing people could see from outside would be his chest, or even head considering they were a few stories up.

Gav was too busy washing his clothes to notice the rather broad figure that was leaning against the door frame, at least until Ryan decided to speak up. "Your not that bad looking" he said in a rather sultry voice, making Gavin jump and blush deeply. He almost wished the avatars could show so much emotion as he looked Ryan up and down only now noticing he was just in a towel. Gavin could of drooled at the sight, which make Ryan chuckle.

"I noticed you eyeing us last night" Ryan said as he sat in the chair next to Gavin.

Gavin couldn't help but blush, turning his attention to the bucket of water and soaked clothes. "Sorry..." was all he could manage to say, which Ryan chuckled once again at.

"Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong. If you were wondering, yes we all know each other, and yes we are in a polyamorous relationship." Ryan grabbed one of Gavin's clothing, twisting it to get the water out.

Gavin nodded before grabbing some clothing and twisting the water out before hanging it on the balcony wall. "If you don't mind me asking, where do you guys live?"

"Rather personal question isn't it?" Ryan said with an eyebrow raised as he looked over at Gavin, who in turn just kinda shrugged before twisting another article of clothing. "If you must know, we live in Austin Texas, and work at a company called Rooster Teeth."

"Rooster Teeth...I think I've heard of that before," Gavin said, looking up at the sky in thought.

"What about you?" Ryan asked.

"I live in England," Gavin said, looking at Ryan in confusion as the man started laughing

"Of course you do, that accent is hard to miss." Gavin just got embarrassed and once again went red, though it darkened when Ryan's arm was around Gavin's shoulders, also reminding Gavin the both of them are wearing very little, Ryan even less. "You know, if you don't have a job, you could work with us."

Gavin looked up at Ryan with wide eyes, almost surprised that he could get a job at Rooster Teeth, but he didn't know why he felt so happy that Ryan even invited him there. He has had one job before, but it was horrible and never went back, now he just lives with his parents and brother, who aren't exactly an amazing family, and the idea of going to Texas, and getting away from his mother sounded amazing.

Ryan noticed the shine in Gavin's eyes when he said those words, and he gave Gav a big smile before lightly kissing Gavin's temple and going back inside to get dressed, leaving a stunned Gavin to sit outside, wondering what just happened as his whole face was as red as a pepper.


As the group walked through the field, Gavin hung back, head down with a light blush covering his cheeks as his mind continued to go back to that morning on the balcony. Why did Ryan even do that, it didn't make much sense, the two didn't even know each other. As Gavin looked up at the group walking a foot or two ahead of him, he noticed Ryan looking back at him with a smirk before winking and turning back around, going back to talk to Geoff. Gavin's felt his face go redder and he turned his attention back to the ground.

Gavin felt his cheek be nuzzled and looked at Chip, smiling and patting its head. He wasn't upset in anyway, more embarrassed but he started thinking about his sexuality once again. Though this time, feeling less inclined to ignore the fact me might be gay. He was telling himself how great it might be, knowing who he liked, and if he did ever meet the guys, would they accept him? Ryan seemed to.

Gavin couldn't help but smile at the thought of cuddling up to someone the way Achievement Hunter did at the inn.

"Your red." Gavin's thoughts were drawn to the curly haired man that now walked beside him, his comment making Gavin go redder, Michael laughing at the sight. "So, whatcha thinkin about? Some pretty lady?" Michael teased as he nudged Gavin's shoulder with his own.

Gavin shook his head, choosing not to say anything to make this situation more embarrassing than it already was.

"Oh i see, it's a guy, am I correct?" Michael smirked.

Gavin didn't even shake his head, just seemed to tense, which Michael just laughed at and poked Gavin's waist, making the man slightly recoil away from it.

"I'm just teasing you idiot," Gavin watched as Michael walked quickly to catch up with the guys once again, and he could swear he saw a slight blush on Michael's face.

With a heavy sigh, Gavin cleared his head and smiled brightly, his face no longer red as he ran to catch up with the others.


Gavin pulled the helmet off his head, shaking his head to fix his uncomfortable hair. He finally made the decision to stop pushing back his true feelings, he was gay, and just knowing that made him feel amazing. The only problem was telling his parents. Being as religious as they are, they wouldn't accept him, he knew that. They kicked out a struggling man they kindly let in for a few months, then kicked him out after seeing him kiss another guy in the front yard.

That was just a stranger though, maybe they would accept him? Gavin laughed at himself, he knew that wasn't going to happen, and it was silly for him to even think that. He could leave, without saying a word, but he wouldn't feel right about that. He was already 27, and didn't even know why he was still living with his parents. Tonight, at dinner, he'll tell them, and if things were to go wrong, well he had to get out of the house at some point.

So when Gavin was called down for dinner, he took a glance at the Visa he got a few weeks ago in case of an emergency, maybe he could go to Texas, live there instead of with his parents. Grabbing his visa, passport, and a good amount of money, he shoved the items into his pocket and made his way downstairs.

His whole family were sitting at the dinner table, everyone but Gavin eating. Gavin poking at the sausage that sat on his place. "Don't play with your food," Gavin heard his mother say before putting his fork down.

With a heavy sigh he finally spoke up, "I need to tell you guys something..." His parents looked at him silently, waiting for him to continue. His brother just continued to eat, but a little slower, he had a feeling this wasn't going to be good. "Im gay."

Gavin looked up from his still full plate to see his father with a scowl, glaring at Gavin with betrayal in his eyes. His mother had her hand over her mouth, eyes wide with tears starting to fall down her cheeks before screaming "how could you!"

Gavin flinched at the hate filled words, feeling tears start to build. His mum got up and went to the bathroom, sounds of throwing up following close behind. Gavin's brother had stopped eating, and just stared down at the table silent. He wasn't religious like Gavin, but knew saying something to defend Gavin could get him kicked out too. His dad continued to stare death at Gavin, making Gavin feel almost sick, and scared. His father was irrational, unpredictable, and did tend to lash out when he was angry.

Thankfully though, his dad stayed seated and finally spoke, "get out." Gavin held his breath for a few seconds, before finally breathing and nodding slowly. Without going to go pack anything, or saying another word, he left.

As he walked down the footpath he felt his legs start shaking, the severity of what had just happened hitting him. He was homeless, his mind was too cluttered with insults to himself and his family that Rooster Teeth and Texas didn't even cross his mind. At least until Gavin felt the contents in his pocket did he realize, he wasn't completely homeless. Ryan invited him to the company, though he didn't care if he got a job or not, he just wanted somewhere to go, somewhere where he will be appreciated, and cared for.

So without a second though, Gavin made his way to the airport, hoping he will be accepted, and will start a better, less stressful life.

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