The Bus

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Ok ... sorry it's taken so long, but here is the next part in The Adventures of Lori and Apples!! And since I have had people asking about Dihlan, the next part will be about how he fits into Lori's life, and why, exactly, Apples doesn't like him XD (Other than because he's jealous, of course) So sit back, enjoy, and laugh at Apples' sassiness! ^^

Also, with each part, I am going to introduce another aspect of Lori's life. Hopefully that doesn't have to go on, though, but I will be adding new things to the story so you can build up an image of the girl I'm creating.

It's Monday morning. Every Friday I'm picked up from school by my grandfather, who then takes me out to the farm where he and Grandma live. Sometimes I don't want to go to the farm, but I know Dad needs some time off, and he's always busiest on the weekends. Besides, who wouldn't want to spend the weekend with their grandparents? Mine are awesome and let me be myself. Grandma even asks about Apples.

But now I'm waiting for the bus that will take me to school. I've been doing this for a while now - catching the bus to school every Monday - so Grandma only drops me off at the bus stop.

Urgh, where the hell is that bloody bus? Apples snarls dangerously.

Can you stop being so impatient? I don't even know why I bother going to school because you stop me from learning! I snap ruthlessly.

Hey! If Apples had a form, I can see the finger being thrust into my face. I do not! Most of the time it's the damn ghosts!

Except that one time in science where an sceptre actually contacted me, I retort sharply.

Apples doesn't reply to that, instead growls, Where is that damn bus already?

Apples, please, just calm down, I growl.

There is a silence from Apples, and then the large, orange bus appears. Apples makes an aggravated sound that sets me on edge, and makes my heart rate go up. As the bus draws closer, I shoulder my school bag and take a step forward, a growl of my own reverberating through my chest.

Apples, please, must you? I snap.

The bus is late, is all I get from Apples.

The bus stops in front of me. The doors open. I climb up the steps, nod to the bus driver, and sit on the seat two back from the front. No one else sits around me. No one talks to me on the bus. Except Apples, but I don't count Apples.

Ouch! Apples' voice breaks through my haze.

I ignore the outburst and look out the window as the bus takes off again. I wonder what it's like to be a bird, I suddenly think.

Oh God … Lori, please, don't start this again! Apples all but groans.

No, I mean … imagine flying! I continue regardless of Apples' lack of enthusiasm on the topic.

Hmmm … Apples sounds a little sarcastic. Ok, I did. Now can you drop it? Apples then snaps.

I glower at the window. Fine. What do you want to talk about?

Birds, Apples states blatantly.

I slap my palm to my forehead. That's not very far off the topic of flying and being a bird, Apples, I retort just as bluntly.

Harrumph, Apples sulks. Well gee Lori, but imagining one is a bird sucks! Talking about just birds is better.

I hate you.

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