
11 1 2

My thoughts flicker out of my grasp. Again. It's hard to keep track of them when I'm distracted. And then one thought breaks through the numb blackness of my mind.

The whistle.

Please tell me you're not going to do what that stupid ghost says, Apples growls.

Of course I will! I retort. He asked me nicely.

Aha, yeah, after he made you pass out in class and hurt your ears, Apples snarls.

Well you're the one that made him scream, I snap.

I did nothing of the sort, Apples reports angrily.

Yes you did, because you're rude, I growl.

No I'm not! Apples growls.

Something hits my back, and I fall forward. My hands shoot out instinctively, and they collide with concrete. Pain seers through my arms, and I let out a yelp.

"Ha, that's what you get you freak!" A voice sneers above me.

Lori, are you ok? Apples asks, voice full of concern.

Um, I think so, I answer meekly.

Lori, don't lie to me, Apples growls.

I don't know what's wrong though, I admit.

Hands grab my arms and I'm hauled to my feet. I start walking, but my feet don't touch the ground. I frown, because that's odd. Why can't I touch the ground? Why can't I walk?

Lori, what's wrong?! Apples yells in my head.

I cover my ears with my hands. "Apples, too loud," I murmur.

"Don't you fucking dare call me that, freak!" A voice sneers in my face.

Lori, Apples growls, drawing the word out.

Wha-at? I snarl.

"Why is she quiet?" Someone else asks.

"She's a freak, I wouldn't expect much more than a whimper," the first voice spits.

"Put me down," I mutter.

"Dude, she just spoke!" Another voice says with growing fear.

"We'll put her down, but if she thinks she's leaving," the first voice growls, but doesn't continue.

I come back to myself and blink. We've just left the footpath to walk through the forest. It's the same boy that beat me a month ago. Only he's got different people. He no longer goes to my school, because my Dad found out what he did and had him expelled.

The boy shoves me against a tree - probably the same tree he had me against a month ago - and stares at me for a moment, eyes narrowed.

Lori, you have to fight back this time, Apples says, voice stern.

I will, I tell Apples. I plan on it.

"What are you gonna do to her?" A boy asks behind my asailant.

There is silence, and I narrow my eyes at him. The boy holding me against the tree smiles evilly. 

"We'll send her home to Daddy with some fresh reminders that he doesn't mess with me, of course," the boy sneers.

"Dude, her Dad's a fucking cop!" The third boy snaps.

Come on Lori! Apples yells.

I bring my knee up, but the boy knocks it out of the way. He smiles at me and brings his fist back. I bring my knee up again and hit him in the groin. I jump to the side and he yells hoarsely for his friends to chase me.

Taking off at a run, I sprint down the track back to the footpath. Two sets of feet follow, but I make it onot the footpath before they catch me. I run on blondly, when suddenly I cannon into someone.

"Lori, why are you running?" My Dad growls.

I smile at him. "Exercise," I say, and run around him. 

My feet carry me to the address Dihlan told me of. It's where Melanie Hill lives. She's the owner of the whistle I've carried around in my pants pocket since I found it. I walk slowly up to the big red door, smile, and knock on the smooth, shiny wood.

The Red Door! I tell Apples.

I know, Apples says excitedly. I love The Red Door. I don't know what it's a reference to, but ... you wouldn't understand, you're stupid.

Gee, thanks Apples, I retort angrily.

The door opens, and a tall, pretty woman in a black dress smiles at me.

"Hello, can I help you?" She asks.

I nod. "Are you Melanie Hill?"

She smiles wider and nods too. "Yes I am, who are you?" She tilts her head to the side.

I quickly pull the whistle out of my pocket and hold it out to her. Melanie takes the whistle and stares at it for a while.

"He said he's sorry and that he didn't know it would do that to him," I tell her and bolt away.

Well ... You are very strange, Apples says, voice distant. I shall not ask you to give things to random people. Ever.

You're still mean Apples, I growl.

Once again I'm running as fast as I can home. Only this time, I'm smiling.

'Thank you!' A voice says on the wind.

My smile only widens.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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