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       I was surprised at first, but then I began to notice the similarities. They had the same colored hair, the same height and build, the same eyes, the same mouth, and the same scowl. Only the Captain’s nose was thinner, that’s why I didn’t think of them being related before. They also have the same dimples, but of course they are only cute on Captain James. I realized what I just thought and turned away. Why are you turning away? He can’t see your blush because of your mask.

It makes me feel more comfortable, I concluded.

“Are you alright, Ace?” Captain James asked rolling up the map on the table.

I tried to come up with an excuse and managed to think of Sir William. I balled my hands into tight fists. “Though he may be your uncle, he is a coward,” I blurted out before thinking.

The Captain look taken back at my statement but replied, “Why do you think that?”

I already spoke some of my mind, so why not say all of it? “On the island, when the king was going to feed you the Fog and no one else but me thought to save you,” I paused gathering how I should say this without yelling, “I saw Sir William disappear into the forest. Once he managed to cut his own ropes, he ran and probably wouldn’t have come back hadn’t he known that all was well since Jabari came to save us.” I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked my hip out a bit waiting for his reaction.

He simply burst out laughing. He was laughing so hard, he nearly fell over. Between gasps of breaths he said, “First of all, Ace; you sound exactly like a woman!” He continued laughing. Finally when his laughs seemed to subside, he said, “Second of all, you are mistaken.”

I uncrossed my arms. How could I be mistaken?!

Before I could ask him that, he said again, “As an intelligent and stunning Captain like me,” At that last comment I choked on my spit but he continued speaking, “I have been trained at one of the best schools—In fact, the navigational school established by Prince Henry himself. One of the first things that they teach you there is to never, ever, leave your ship unguarded, abandoned, left behind, or however you wish to call it. Jabari, our faithful seafarer, had chosen to stay on the ship whilst the rest of the crew slept on the nice and cool beach. When you saw my uncle disappear into the forest, he was simply going to fetch Jabari for help. Uncle Williams probably knew that he would be of better assistance if he had the skilful archer Jabari at his side, don’t you think?”

I was dumbfounded, unable to give an excuse. “I apologize, Captain James,” I sincerely said with a little bow.

“Maybe you should apologize to Sir William instead.” The Captain did not sound angry or offended. To my disbelief, he seemed like a nice man. He was kind…and tall…and dimples—don’t let your mind stray, Grace!

“Yes, Captain,” I said turning toward the door to hide my blush again. I couldn’t believe myself. Twice in one day! “Good day, Captain.”

“Good day, Ace.”

I closed the Captain’s doors and walked down the stairs. I got a few glances from the few crew members on the deck. The rest must be in their berthing or getting drunk in the mess.

“Milady,” came a voice from behind me.

I whipped around to see Sir William sitting behind the steps. I walked around to meet him. “Would you stop treating me like a woman?! Someone will hear you,” I said angrily once I was standing over him.

“Are you not a woman?” He asked.

“I-,” before I could protest, he motioned for me to sit.

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