Chapter 3: "Staff Dance Party & I Carried a Watermelon?!"

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-Photo Credit: Matthew Murphy

While I took a walk around the resort as I listened to Sweet Dreams by Patsy Cline from my phone, I took my earbuds out of my ears as I heard music coming from a warehouse type building

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While I took a walk around the resort as I listened to Sweet Dreams by Patsy Cline from my phone, I took my earbuds out of my ears as I heard music coming from a warehouse type building. I stopped and went on the bridge and saw Bobby, who was wearing the same thing that he wore that afternoon with a faded jean jacket and his hair the same way, struggling while trying to carry three watermelons in his arms. "Hiya." I said smiling cheerfully to him. "What in the world?! Nikki, how did you get up here?" He asked me with an upset look on his face. "I was taking a walk. People do that nowadays,right?" I asked him smiling. "No, just go back." He exclaimed as I took a watermelon from him. "Can I at least help you?" I asked smiling at him while holding the watermelon. "No!" He exclaimed at me. "Bobby!" A girl's voice exclaimed as she walked on the bridge. "Elizabeth, what are you doing here?" Bobby asked blushing and looking flustered towards Elizabeth. Elizabeth, who was wearing a white staff Kellerman's T-Shirt, a faded jean jacket with the sleeves rolled up, jean capris rolled to her ankles,her blond hair curled and black converse. "What? A girl can't come and hangout with one of her favorite staff members in the world?" She said fluttering her blue eyes and smiling at Bobby after she introduced herself to me. "N-No!" Bobby exclaimed nervously blushing at her. "What's up there?" I asked as I looked up towards the building. "Staff Quarters. No Hotel Guests Allowed. Stop asking so many questions. Why don't you both go back to the playhouse. Nikki, I saw you dancing back there with Mr.Rockstar in the dance hall." He said mimicking Evan's dance moves. "You know what, forget I even asked." I said as I gave him back the watermelon while Elizabeth followed me. "Hey! Can you girls keep a secret?" He said as we walked up to him. We both nodded our heads and smiled giddily as Bobby handed us each a watermelon. "Your parents would kill you and Max would kill me if he ever found out about this place." Bobby said as we walked up the stairs to the place where the music blared from. When Bobby opened the door, I saw a roomful of Kellerman's staff kids couples dancing to the blaring music of Do You Love Me? from the IPod dock doing some crazy dance moves. "Wow!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she looked at the crazed partners dance moves and heard the blaring song. We were both amazed by what we saw. "Where in the world did they ever learn how to dance like that?" I asked Bobby over the blaring song. "Where? I don't really know. The college kids are dancing like this at their dance clubs back home, probably." Bobby said as he shrugged his shoulders smiling at my amazed expression. "I'd be terrified to even dance like this in my own house." Elizabeth said as I laughed a little bit. "You guys wanna try it out?" Bobby said as he moved his hips and we both shook our heads. "Come on, girls. Live a little." He said as he led us though the crowded dancers to an empty table with refreshments and snacks for the staff. "So do y'all have parties like this every night?" I asked as I took off my blue sweater and put it on an empty chair. "Yep!" Bobby exclaimed as he gave us both a cold bottle of water and one for himself while we watched the dancing continue. "Can you girls imagine dancing like this in the main dance hall? Home of the Family Fox Trot. Max would explode and close this place down before that even happened." Bobby said as he nodded his head to the music. As the door opened, Julianne's dance partner, who had the same clothes on except his suit jacket and bowtie, made an unforgettable entrance by sliding onto the dance floor and dancing with Julianne ,who smiled at him, still wearing her sequined red dress, gold heels and hair now pinned in a side bun. I was in awe of him. He was such a great looking guy who had an amazing dance persona. "That's my cousin, Aaron Tveit. He got me the job here this summer." Bobby said as I kept my eyes locked on Aaron. "You like him don't you?" Elizabeth said as she nudged my arm as she drank her water while Bobby laughed at my reddened face. "N-N-No, I don't. He probably has a girlfriend." I said now feeling embarrassed. "They look amazing together!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she pulled her hair in a high ponytail because of the humidity in the room. "I know right. You'd think they were dating right?" Bobby asked both of us. "Well, they are a couple. Aren't they?" I asked him pleading in my head that they weren't. "No. Not since they dated each other in college, but they're still good friends. They kinda have a brother & sister type relationship." Bobby said taking a drink of his water as I did a happy dance in my head. "Looks like you're off the hook." Elizabeth said as I giggled and stared at Aaron from afar while taking a sip of my water. As the song came to an end, the staff members cheered excitedly as Tito, the main dance hall's band conductor, began singing the song LoveMan while everyone got back into the rhythm of dancing. While that was going on, Aaron danced his way through the crowd of dancers before hugging Bobby. "What's up, cuz. Who're the pretty girls that you brought with you?" Aaron asked while taking a drink from his bottle of water that was sitting on the table as I couldn't take my eyes off him. "Aaron, you remember Elizabeth, she worked here since last year. And this is Nikki Hudson, she's a guest here and she came here with me." Bobby said playfully putting his arm around me. "Nice to meet you, Nikki." Aaron said as he shook my hand. "I carried watermelon." I said shaking his hand and staring at him dumbfounded at a loss for words. Elizabeth stifled out a laugh while Bobby gave me a small smile. "Well..... I'm gonna get back to dancing with Jules and I'll see you later Bobby. Nice to see you again Elizabeth and nice to meet you "Watermelon Girl". Aaron smiled at us before getting back on the dance floor. After Aaron left, I stood there overthinking what I just said. "Seriously, I carried a watermelon?! What was I thinking?" I asked myself outloud. "You weren't." Bobby said laughing at me as I smiled and gave him a small shove. After my crazy mishap, we all watched Julianne and Aaron dance together for a while until he did a little dance with Tito just for fun. While Julianne danced with another guy staff member, Aaron walked up to me smiling. "You've been eying me ever since I came in here." He said as he circled around me smirking as I blushed. "Why don't you show me some of your moves?" Aaron asked as he smiled at me twisting his hips. "No, I can't do that." I said looking at the other dancers. "Sure, you can. Come on, you never knock it till you try it." Aaron said as he held his hand out to me. "O-Ok." I stuttered with nervousness in my voice as he took my hand and walked me out to the dance floor with him. "Alright, now bend your knees." Aaron said as he slowly pushed my shoulders down. "Now, move your hips in a circle, like this." Aaron said demonstrating as he moved his hips slowly. "Alright, now you try." He said smiling at me. When I moved my hips, I looked exactly like "Spongebob SquarePants" when he moved his hips. "Ok, not exactly like this. Maybe, this will work better." Aaron said laughing for a minute as he held my hips and moved them a bit slower. "That's good. Your getting better, just keep your pretty brown eyes on me." He said as we moved our hips in sync and he lifted my chin as I blushed looking into his Elvis Presley blue eyes. As we moved our hips, he grabbed my arms and wrapped them around his neck while I smiled and laughed as I felt myself finally loosening up. After the song finished, he spun me out of his arms and left the staff party as I danced to the rhythm of my own beat. "Hey, Watermelon Girl. You looked like you were having fun out there." Bobby said putting a friendly arm around my shoulder. "Yeah. He's kind of an interesting guy." I said as Elizabeth handed me my sweater as I replayed the last few minutes that happened. "Well, I better get going. I'll see you guys in the morning." Elizabeth said smiling as she walked back to her cabin. After hanging out with Bobby for few minutes, I decided to head back to my cabin to get a good night's sleep. While I slept, I dreamed about the next time that I'd see Aaron again this summer.

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