Chapter 8: "A New Day & New Feelings?!"

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The next morning I woke up and looked down at Aaron's arms around me as he slept. I quietly got up from his bed and removed his arms as I went to the bathroom and changed back into my regular clothes from last night and put my hair in a high ponytail before walking over to his wooden chair to put my white converse on. Before I left, I got one last look at Aaron as I smiled and thought about all of the memories from last night. As I walked back to my cabin, I looked at the beautiful sunrise as the staff members began doing their daily jobs. "Hey sis, where have you been? I didn't see you come in last night." Lela said as she put on her hot pink headband to match her light blue dress with a light pink ribbon on the waistband. "N-N-No where." I said as I did my morning routine, took a quick shower and changed my clothes. I put on a purple t-shirt, my light jean capris and white Roxy's after I put my hair in a side braid. Lela nodded her head while putting on her white flats. We walked up the path to the dinning hall to meet my parents. "Lela, you know I wouldn't have really lied if I tried to." I said as I put my hands in my jean pockets. "You know, I used to admire you Nikki. I used to think 'Nikki's weird, her hair sticks out, she walks funny, and she's better than me.' Now, I'm not so sure anymore." She said as she walked to our table where our parents were sitting. My dad was wearing a dark blue sweater with the sleeves rolled up, tan dress pants, and brown dress shoes with his glasses. My mom was wearing a hot pink top, white capris, white flats with her hair curled. We all sat at the table as Ricky came, wearing his waiter's attire with his black dress shoes and hair slicked back, ready to take our orders. After our breakfast came, my dad just ignored me, my mom gave us both a questioning look and Lela kept making goo-goo eyes at Ricky. "So, are you guys gonna be in the show?" Evan asked as he came to our table holding a clipboard. Evan was wearing a yellow polo shirt, tan dress pants, and dark brown dress shoes. "Thanks for the offer, Evan. But, me and my family are leaving tomorrow morning, we don't wanna miss the weekend traffic." My dad said smiling at him as I frowned knowing of his decision. "Finn, we're paid up till Sunday." My mom said as she drank her water. "Daddy, we can't miss the show." Lela said as she looked at him with pleading eyes. "Lela, we're leaving tomorrow and that's final." He said with a stern look. "But daddy, I was gonna sing in the show." Lela said as she pouted. "It's the big event of the season. People bring their own song arrangements. You don't wanna miss it." Evan said giving my dad something to think on. "Oh and Nikki, I need you to help with props." I said smiling as I gave him a thumbs up. "Finn, why would you want to leave early?" My mom asked looking at my father crossing her arms. "Just tell her the truth dad and no one will get hurt." I said as I stared at him while drinking my orange juice. "Honey, what's Nikki talking about?" My mom asked as I gave dad a stern look. "It's nothing sweetheart. We can stay if you really want to." My dad said smiling at her as my sister smiled. "So....Lela, what were you planning on singing for the show?" My dad asked my sister as he ignored me. "Well, it's between 'I Feel Pretty' or 'What Do The Simple Folks Do?' or 'I Feel Pretty', Well, what do you think I should sing, Daddy?" She asked him as they walked off together to talk. "I have no clue what's going on with your father." My mom said to me as I excused myself from the table.

After I left the dinning hall, I decided to go back to the staff cabin's to check on Julianne. "Now, remember to take the medication that I gave you to help with the swelling." My dad said as he left Julianne's cabin with his M.D. bag in hand as I ran back down the path and hid behind one of the cabins looking at him. When he left, I walked back up the path towards her cabin to see her and to talk to Elizabeth, who was wearing her white Kellerman's t-shirt, dark blue capris, and black and white converse with her hair down. "Hey guys." I said to the girls as they both waved. "You look much better." I said as I stood at the end of Julianne's bed. "You just missed you father. He's such a wonderful man." Julianne said getting up from her bed smiling. Julianne was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts as she went to get her white robe to put on.  "Yeah, we wouldn't have known what to do if it weren't for him. Thank you again." Elizabeth said giving me a friendly hug as she stood beside me. "I'm sorry about the fake doctor thing. I didn't realize tha-." I said as I put my hands in my jean pockets and stood next to her bedside. "Oh, I know you didn't. It's okay." Julianne said as she patted my hand. "Hey, how's our favorite patient doing?" Aaron asked as he walked in the cabin. Aaron was wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans, black converse and his hair slicked back as usual. "Hey,Aar." Julianne said as Aaron hugged her. "So what did he say?" Aaron asked as he sat beside Julianne on her bedside. "I'm ok." She said smiling at him as he nodded his head. "Dr.Hudson says I'm gonna be fine." She said as we all smiled at her. "Jules, that's great." Aaron said smiling at her proud of her progress since last night. "So, how did things go last night?" Julianne asked us as Elizabeth sat beside Aaron. "Yeah, I didn't get a chance to ask you how you did." Elizabeth said as she looked at me. "Good." We both said simultaneously. "I forgot about the lift, but overall it was good." I said as I smiled at him while Aaron smiled at Jules and Elizabeth. "Well....I guess I better go." I said as I looked at Aaron. "See ya." Aaron said as I gave him a smile before walking out Julianne's cabin. As I sat on the stairs & Elizabeth went to work, I overheard Aaron talking to Julianne.

Aaron's POV:
"So he said you'll be okay?" I smiled asking Julianne. "Aaron, are you insane?!" Julianne exclaimed angrily at me as she sat up in her bed. "Don't worry, I'll tell Max that you had a family issue. He won't even-." I said avoiding the subject while Julianne cut me off. "How many times have you told me not to get mixed up with the guys I've dated?" Julianne asked me as I hung my head down. "Jules, she's different." I said looking at her with honesty. " She's just a kid. You need to end this now before it gets serious." Julianne to me. "And I will....... You just need to worry about getting better." I said giving Julianne a friendly kiss on the cheek before I walked out the door and stood on the steps to talk to Nikki. "Look...uh.... I've got a lesson with the Kingstons and if I'm not there things will go downhill so......" I said nonchalantly laughing while putting my black raybands in my back pocket. "Oh, I understand. You've got a job to do." She said giving me a small smile. "I'll see ya later." I said as I walked off. "Aaron!" She exclaimed as I turned around. "What are we now? I mean, since you kissed me last night and we danced an-" She said as I cut her off by abruptly kissing her. "Does that answer your question?" I asked winking at her before walking to the dance studio smiling as I put on my black raybands.

Nikki's POV:
As the day wore on, I couldn't wait to see Aaron again. So, I decided to occupy my time by going to see Elizabeth during her lunch break since my parents were hanging out on the golf course on this rainy day and my sister went to audition for the show at the playhouse. "Hey." She said as she gave me a hug and handed me a pb&j sandwich, water bottle and apple slices. "Thanks." I said as we sat on the stairs of the staff quarters, since no one was there. "So, as I was on my way to work this morning, Megan told Jessie about a girl at the staff cabin's last night." Elizabeth said as she ate an apple slice. "So your a private investigator now?" I asked her laughing as I drank a sip of water. "Maybe. Anyway, they said that the girl stayed in Aaron's cabin all night long, they even probably kissed." She said as she drank a sip of water as I ate my sandwich. "Oh, really." I said as I looked at the rain falling outside. "So, the thing that I'd like to know about would be, what did you two lovebirds do last night?" Elizabeth asked as she laughed at me. "How did you know it was me?" I asked as I almost choked on my water. "I saw you coming back up the path last night after Bobby left." She said smiling at me wanting to know all the details. "We talked, danced and then we kissed. We just laid our feelings out on the table with each other." I said smiling at the thought of Aaron. "So, where do you two stand now?" Elizabeth asked as she finished her sandwich as I finished my apple slices. "Well, I think we're finally dating now. But, nothing's official yet." I said as I ate the rest of my apple slices. "Well, for what it's worth, I think you two will make a lovely couple." She said as I hugged her after we finished our lunch together. "Just like me and Bobby are." She said as we walked back to the dinning hall. "Wait a minute, you and Bobby?" I asked her as she told me how she and Bobby finally got together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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