Issue 14

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Issue 14 is the fourteenth issue of Image Comics' The Walking Dead and part two of Volume 3: Safety Behind Bars

Plot Synopsis

While clearing the prison, Rick and Tyreese encounter a closed door to the cafeteria. When they burst in they find four other survivors, Dexter, Andrew, Axel, and Thomas Richards.

They bring the rest of the group inside the cafeteria where they eat for the first time in quite a while. But unlike Rick's initial thought, the new survivors reveal they are inmates not guards. Dexter killed his ex-wife and her boyfriend; Andrew was a drug dealer; Axel committed armed robbery; Thomas Richards says "Tax Evasion". It is also implied that Dexter and Andrew are in a homosexual relationship. Then Dexter shows them around the prison, and they reveal they had to use the freezer as bathroom after the buckets were all filled with excrement.

The group opens the door to the gym. They see its full of zombies but they decide to "deal with it later". Then they go to the laundry room and find some vehicles in the garage. Rick proposes bringing the Greene Family to live with them. Rick and Dale head to the farm in the RV. Rick learns that the zombie attacks have increased since they left. Rick makes his offer to bring to the prison, and Hershel agrees to this. The group leaves for the prison, except for Otis who stayed behind to watch over the farm.

The following night, Chris and Julie are having sex, then commit to shooting each other in a suicide pact. After hearing a gunshot, Rick runs to find Tyreese hugging his dead daughter's body and Chris exclaiming that they were supposed to kill each other at the same time. Julie then suddenly turns and attempts to bite Tyreese.

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