Issue 25

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Issue 25 is the twenty-fifth issue of Image Comics' The Walking Dead and part one of Volume 5: The Best Defense.

Plot Synopsis

Rick and Dale continue to search the rest of the Prison before they open it for occupation. During a conversation about how the generator will make their lives easier, Rick mentions that he hadn't noticed how long it has been since he's heard any music. Rick tells Dale about meeting Morgan and "his son", (Rick can't remember Duane's name) and that he believes Morgan made the smart decision by staying put and fending for themselves.

As Rick and Dale are finishing their patrol of the cell block, they run into Tyreese. While the three men are talking, Glenn and Maggie emerge carrying police riot gear and inform the group that they found a weapons locker and then take Rick, Dale, and Tyreese to its location.

Meanwhile, Lori and Carol are carrying books from the library when Carol expresses worry about Lori. Lori says that Carol is the one everyone should be worried about because of the recent suicide attempt. Carol says that the thing that has her worried most is that Sophia acts as if nothing ever happened.

The group decides to siphon gas for the generator and Glenn devises a plan for the others to lure the undead away from the gate while he and Rick run out to siphon gas from the parked cars. Glenn disappears and emerges wearing a full riot suit, and carrying one for Rick, so that they can give them a test-run. While Rick and Glenn are siphoning gas, the issue closes with both men looking towards the sky at a passing helicopter.

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