Chapter 3: Kuradeel and Kirito (Asuna)

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Why did I even get a guard!?

Heathcliff: " You might be wondering, 'A guard? Why would I, Asuna, need a guard?' Well, I'll tell you. You see, I wish for us to be the top guild in Aincrad. To do that, I want the best players to have extra protection. Understand?"

Yea, like hell would I need someone to guard ME! I mean, come ON Heathcliff, you literally JUST said that I was one of the best players. And you give someone weaker than me to guard me? Like THAT'S useful. Well, I guess it's better than nothing. I try my best to look 'happy.'

Asuna: "Alright, what now, Commander?"

Heathcliff: "You and Kuradeel will go search for a man in a black coat and a black sword. I really don't get his obsession with black though. *Ahem* Anyway, go look for him and bring me here. His username is 'Kirito.'"

Hmm, Kirito. I think I've heard that name before, I just can't remember when...


Asuna: "C'mon Kuradeel, we have to keep searching."

Kuradeel: "B-but I'm so tired!"

See? Told you.

Asuna: "Now or I tell Commander Heathcliff you're a slacker."

Kuradeel: "Fine, fine! Give me a second."

Hehe. The 'Commander Card.'

In The Forest

Kuradeel: "You really think a weird man with an obsession of black would be in the fores-"

???: "Who the hell are you calling 'weird?'"

Aww, fudge.

Asuna: "Nothing, we jus- wait, are you Kirito?"

???: "Yeah, why?"


Asuna: "Would you mind following us to Grandzam?"

Kirito: "Sure, as long as it doesn't involve guilds."



*Kirito throws his hands in the air.*

Kirito: "Aw, come on! Seriously?! Fine, if you want me in there, you're going to have to duel me. How would your precious little friend like to do it?"

Kuradeel: "I have to go, be back soon!"

Why did I even get a guard?

Asuna: "Alright, I'm Asuna, and that was my so-called 'bodyguard', Kuradeel. Are we fighting."

Kirito: "Well duh! Let's do this!"

90 seconds later

Asuna: "Arrgh!"

Kirito: "You're pretty good! Alright, I'll follow you in."

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