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This is right after Kanan, Sabine, Ezra, and Zeb brought Rex back. I don't remember the episode name X'D.

Kanan went into his cabin and closed the door. He looked around the neat and orderly room and then sat down on his bunk with a sigh.

He didn't really know what to do. They'd gone to go recruit some new help for the rebellion on Ahsoka's orders, and they'd found clones. Kanan closed his eyes as memories of the clones that had fought with him in the clone wars passed through his mind.

Kanan shook the thoughts away and laid down to sleep.

It seemed only a moment later that he was opening his eyes to see himself once again surrounded by clones.

Oh no, not this again, please don't make me relive this again, Kanan thought frantically.

He hadn't had a nightmare about order 66 in a long time. Not since he'd meet Hera. The clones weren't attacking yet. They were just going about their business as usual. Kanan knew the attack was coming soon though. It had come without warning before, but he had already relived the horrible scene many times already and knew when it was coming.

Kanan heard one of the clones receive a call, and he braced himself, knowing that the clones would turn any second. Kanan then realised that something was off. Why wasn't Depa beside him? Before he could think to much on it the clones suddenly turned towards him with blasters up.

"Good soldiers follow orders."

"Kill the Jedi."

Kanan remembered how confused and scared he'd been before, but now he was ready.

"Kanan what's happening? What do we do?" A frantic voice said behind him.

Kanan whipped around to see Ezra standing behind him, he looked terrified. Kanan froze with shock. This wasn't how the dreams usually went. Why was Ezra here?

Kanan had to turn around and pull his lightsaber out to deflect the first blaster shots fired by the clones. Kanan felt unbalanced. He didn't know how the dream was supposed to end now. Normally Depa told him to run and he was forced to watch her die all over again. Now Depa was no where in sight.

Kanan heard Ezra ignite his lightsaber behind him and he saw Ezra move to his side to help him fight off the clones. Kanan knew that there were too many, and that they wouldn't be able to fight them all off. He also had to protect Ezra. Was this how Depa had felt in her last moments? So utterly helpless?

Kanan closed his eyes for a second, then opened them and yelled to Ezra, "Ezra, run! There are too many!" Kanan knew that this was just a dream, but he didn't want to see Ezra die.

"No! I won't leave you!" Ezra yelled back fiercely. Kanan smiled slightly. That did seem like the stupid, brave, noble thing Ezra would do.

He was about to yell back, when he heard a scream of pain. He spun around in time to see Ezra fall to his knees, a blaster wound in his chest.

"No!" Kanan yelled. The force exploded out of him in his anger and sent all the clones flying.

Kanan ran over to Ezra and knelt beside him. Ezra was lying face down on the ground, unmoving. Kanan slowly reached out and turned him over. Ezra's eyes were open, but they stared at nothing.

Kanan felt just like he had when Ezra had fallen on Tarkin's Star Destroyer. Kanan closed his eyes and put his hand over the blaster wound on Ezra's chest.

"Please let me wake up," Kanan whispered. He wasn't quite sure who or what he was talking to, he just wanted this nightmare to end.

He heard the noise of a blaster cocking, and he opened his eyes and looked up. Rex was standing there, a glassy look in his eyes, pointing a blaster at him.

"Good soldiers follow orders," Rex said, his voice emotionless.

Kanan closed his eyes as Rex pulled the trigger.

Kanan jolted awake and sat up. He closed his eyes and focused on steadying his breathing. Kanan reached out with the force and searched for Ezra's force signature. He found it in Ezra and Zeb's room. Kanan took comfort in it.

Ezra's not dead, Kanan thought, it was just a dream.

Kanan leaned back against the wall and thought about his dream. He thought about how Rex had shot him at the end.

Kanan didn't trust Rex. Not fully. Not after what the clones had done. Kanan didn't think Rex was fully on their side, even if he claimed to have had his chip removed. He didn't know if he would ever trust Rex.

For what it's worth, I believe we can trust Rex.

Kanan sighed. He trusted Ezra and Ahsoka, so for now that would have to be enough.

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