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This happened in season two? Idk I was bored.

The Ghost shook as the shots from the TIEs rained down on it. The shields were holding, but they needed to get out of there fast. Ezra was currently trying to walk down the hallway towards the rear guns to help. Key word trying.

The Ghost shuddered again and he stumbled into a wall.
Over the internal comms he heard a lot of swearing, most of it from Hera.

Suddenly the ship lurched and Ezra was thrown backwards. He tumbled over the railing and towards the floor of the cargo hold. His vision went white.

He opened his eyes and found himself on Lothal. Lothcats were jumping out of the grass and into the night sky, where they became stars spinning around the sky.

"This has got to be a dream," Ezra said. Suddenly two lothcats grabbed him and pulled him with them into the sky. The clouds supported his weight, and he was able to bounce from cloud to cloud. He felt weightless.

It was fun. The Lothcat stars were dancing. Suddenly the Ghost flew up next to him. It was glowing for some reason. Ezra wasn't bothered by that though. It was obviously a dream. The crew hopped out and began cloud jumping with him. Sabine threw something into the sky and when it exploded it turned the stars into many different colors. The constellations came alive and began dancing. The Big and Little Lothwolf glided over to him and the Big Lothwolf let him climb on its back. Stars were scattered throughout its silver fur.

They ran through the sky and he laughed at the sight of his crew dancing with the constellations. Even Chopper was dancing. Ezra didn't even know that Chopper could dance. The sky had been turned into a cosmic dance party.

Suddenly the Big Lothwolf turned its head towards him and yelled his name. "Ezra!"

The only weird thing about that, because it talking wasn't weird, it was a flying, living constellation for galaxies sake, was that it spoke with Kanan's voice.



Pretty soon all the constellations were shouting his name, using voices of the crew. Suddenly the Lothwolf beneath him vanished and he was falling through the air towards the ground. The stars were spinning all around him and making him dizzy.

When he hit the ground he opened his eyes to see the blurred faces of his crew looking at him. They looked worried.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"You fell over the railing, do you feel ok?" Hera asked as he sat up.

"Yeah," he said as he rubbed his head, then he added, "Head injury induced dreams are weird."

Lol, this goes to show you shouldn't write on a sugar high. HeLp.

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