Chapter 2:Flying cows and quadruplet EF2 tornado

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Rocky: another tornado warning is now in effect!! This time it is an EF2!
Captain Hook: I see it let's get this baby!!! Down the road we go!!!! Let's get this EF2 tornado!!! I'm ready to get this tornado and get 'er into Dorothy!!
Chase: oh no a feather!!!!! (sneezes)
Ryder: we've got sisters and the third tornado is coming from Adventure Bay National Forest!!!!!
Captain Hook: let's catch these triplets!!! I will be very happy if we do! Hello Cyclone come to Daddy!!!!!
Ryder: a tornado is not a living thing so it cannot hear you! Or maybe they did because they've just shifted our way!!!! We've no time to find shelter they​ are rapidly closing in on us!!!
Zuma: Guys, we'we inside the townadoes!!!!
Captain Hook: oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot we're going to die! Wait it just dissipated wohoo!! We're still alive!!! To my mom's house we go for lunch!!!!
Rocky: your mom lives over past the Imagine sea across the imagantic, and in where there's a thousand billion hurricanes and Hypercanes every year. One could even be heading there as we speak!!!! Anything is Possible!!!!!
Captain Hook: I want a restaurant instead!!! My mom makes the worst steak!!
Rocky: please order 6 orders of kibble one for each of us!!
Ryder: and I'm letting my brother Patrick come too!!! all he wants is lots and lots of macaroni and cheese!!! He may be about to get constipated or turn into a bowl of it!!!!!!
Captain Hook: very very funny!!!!!
Ryder: Patrick get in the car!!!!
Patrick: James what's up!!! And how is my favorite brother in the world doing!!!!
Ryder: actually first how are you doing?
Patrick: well I divorced Kayla and got married to a girl named Denise!!
Ryder: wow! If you guys were still married it would have been your 5th wedding anniversary back in February!!!! You're​ only 12!!!
Patrick: I remember being very handsome there at our wedding!!! This wedding was a bit more less than I expected!!! How are you and Katie doing????
Ryder: well we just went out on our 10th date!! Katie says she wants to engage me!!! And before the middle of the year!!!!
Patrick: if you get​ babies what are the names going to be?
Ryder: if it's a girl it is going to be Annabelle John Achsitvus, if it's a boy it's going to be Ryder John Achsitvus Jr.!!! But an argument against Katie about her name and Patricia!!! She's hoping she has a thousand girls that's exaggeration she has that many babies developing thing in her tummy, it'll explode all over the place!!!!
Patrick: yay another Pat in the family!!!!!
Katie: hi sweetheart!!!
Ryder: Katie would you like to come to dinner with us?????
Katie: YES!!!!!!!!
At the Dinner...
Captain Hook: Let's take our seats!!!!
Waiter:I am Teddy Johnny​ Evans Jr. What do we want to drink???????
Captain Hook: I would like you're Evans beer!!!
Patrick: Chocolate milk!!
Waiter: I knew you would say that!! I have seen you mostly drink chocolate milk!!! And Captain Hook, it's​ just beer mixed with lemonade.
Ryder:Soda for two!!!
Dogs:6 orders of water!!!!!
Captain Hook: look at those clouds are greenish! That means only one thing- another tornado is on the way!!!!!
Rocky: there's a warning just to our West!!!
Captain Hook: then after this back to work!!!!
Waiter: I know you're favorites!!!
Waiter: Dessert??????
All: Chocolate Mousse!!!!!
A bit later...
Waiter: everyone to the cellar of the restaurant!!! The tornado sirens are going off take shelter quickly or else you'll die! quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly!!!
Captain Hook: let's go get this monstrosity!!!!!!

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