Through The Storm.

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Crystal's POV---

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Crystal's POV---

           As I layed on the floor, weak, and not being able to move anymore, I felt like I was about to give in, and I was okay with it by now, considering, no one could hear me or my cries asking for help, no one was going to save me now. As time went by, I began thinking, maybe what Leon said is true... If only there was someone who would save me... I soon heard some noise coming from the door, and the handle was moving up and down, scared I looked at it weakly, but also hopeful, hopeful that it was my brother... Jack... or someone who would actually save me. But when I saw the door click and open a bit, I realized it was none of that, instead I only see a small red glow coming inside, followed by the familiar looks and voice of the fairy.

          "And that's how Aretha once again, opens a door!" She said, I looked at her and barely said her name, "A-Aretha...." I said, but my voice was nothing more than a whisper, she turned to me and flew down to my level, landing in front of me, now I was finally able to realize how tiny she was, "Crys?! Gods! What are you doing there!" She said and looked around, looking at the candles and sighing, "It's literally an oven here! Too much accumulated heat! No wonder you're like this!" She said then flew away from me and turned off most of the candles, this got me to learn, Aretha doesn't get hurt by fire, she had turned them off, moved to the fireplace and flew around the fire, turning it off, guess she really was a fire fairy... Not like I ever doubted that. When she had turned on all of the candles and the fireplace, she went to the window and opened the curtain, soon, trying to pry the window open with her tiny hands.

          Once she managed to open the window a rough draft of wind came in through the window, now only think visible was the rain, and it was a really strong rainstorm, "So this is what cold is..." Aretha said as she looked out the window, extending her hand towards it, remembering what they said I widened my eyes a bit and looked at her, "A-Aretha... G-get away from there... You'll d-die" I said to her, as she was still at the window, I could feel a little chillier the room, and there was more oxygen circulating now... Which I was glad of... Soon, Aretha touches the rain, "If I only I could..." as her hand and the rain made contact a sizzling sound was made and she jerked her hand back, and waved it a bit, "Don't touch it though!" she said to herself soon flying back to my and pulling me up by my cloak, and helped me walk to the window where I could get some air, I don't know how though, she's only a fairy.

          "Aretha... What are you doing here...?" I asked her, trying to understand where she came from or how she found me "I came looking for you! Where's Leon? What about your proof of friendship, and all that stuff?" In typical Aretha fashion... She didn't care about getting things right. "I..." I looked down before continuing, "I was wrong... He was just... Using me..." I looked down and wrapped myself in the cloak, not because of the cold from the rain but as comfort to myself, Aretha only looked at me sadly and sighed as she sat down on my head, "Aretha you need... to leave..." I said weakly, she only shook her head and crossed her arms, "No! I'm not moving from here until we can think of your act of friendship to safe you!" She said, looking around, "B-But... you could... d-die... f-from the rain..." I countered to her, she only sighed, "Some people are worth dying out for..." She said, I smiled weakly at her and she went to my face smiling softly, a drop of rain his her in the side of the head and a sizzling sound came back, she put a hand where the drop hit her, "Just not right this instant" she sad, that almost made me laugh,

          "So do you have any idea who your proof of friendship is?" She said, sitting on my shoulder, I only looked down and sighed, "I don't know what friendship is anymore..." I heard her sigh and felt her put some of my hair behind my ear, seems like even Aretha has a soft side, not like the one she usually shows, "That's alright..." She started, "Friendship is... Always being there for the others when they most needed it, and having their back, even if you're not physically with them..." She said as she flew down and stood in front of me, looking up at me, "Like, Jack did, when he left... He may not physically be here now... but he always has your back and will always be there for you!" She said, smiling, I smiled back weakly.

          I soon started to feel a small chill run up my spine, the rain was now turning the room too cold, Aretha noticed this, and flew to the window and started to close it, slowly, since to her it was heavy, but stopped as she saw something, "Wait! I'm getting something!" Aretha said, before making fire at the tip of her finger, making a circle with it on the class of the window and taking the small portion out, then using it as a lens, "I'm seeing, blue glow... in a blue--- It's Jack's hoodie!" I heard her a bit confused, soon she threw the lens away and flew to me quickly, "It's Jack and my sister! They're flying across the rainstorm! Crossing the fields of water and burned patches! At full speed---" I cut her off, "Jack...?" I widened my eyes, I had to try this, "Aretha, helped me up" I said trying to get up, she only looked at me confused and took hold of my cloak, "No what? You need to stay here...! Why do you want to go out?" She asked, I gave her a look and smiled, she soon realized, "Oh! Jack is your proof of friendship... And true love as a bonus! We need to go! Now!" She said, grabbing my fingers and dragging me outside the room.   

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