Chapter 21~ The Wedding (part 2)

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I think this is far enough. I don't want to hear him singing. It brings back awful memories. Memories that still haunts me everytime I see him. I just can't wait to leave and never see him ever again. I swear, after this, I'm never going back. Never.

"I know you hate him so much for fooling you in the past but, it's ages ago Sam. Is it necessary for you to hate him that much?" I heard Elyar told me from behind. 

"You don't know anything El. You-" I was going to reason out but he grabbed me by the shoulders for me to face him.

"I know exactly how you felt. believe me, I suffered more than you did. He just broke your heart, he broke every piece of muscle I have." Elyar said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"Aside from making me his human punching bag in the past, he also.. uhhh.. broke my sister's heart." He told me. I was shocked by his revelation. I didn't know he did that. I didn't even know he had a sister.

"what do you mean he broke your sister's heart? if you don't mind me asking." I asked him. He lead me into a bench near the beach for us to talk about it deeper.

"I have a little sister. I'm a year older than her and she went to the same school as us. Remember Eliza?" He asked me and I tried my best to remember who she was.

"yeah. She's really Pretty, popular. and friendly too. But she's quite reserved and doesn't talk too much. why?" I asked him again which made him giggle.

"Well she's my little sister." He revealed and man! They don't look the same!

"She's really really quiet and yes.. she doesn't like interacting with others. We rarely talked since she spends most of her time in her room. She only approaches me if she wants to borrow a book from me. She's really kind." He told me all about her which i pretty amazing.

"well, One day, while we're walking down the hallway, we heard girls screaming and a guy singing. She wanted to know what was happening so we went inside the classroom only to see Bradley, Connor, James and Tristan playing their instruments and singing altogether." He said as he stretched a bit.

"Eliza was mesmerized and began going there every after class to listen to them. As a big brother, I risked my life so she could listen to them. Sometimes when we go there, I ended up being bullied." Elyar said.

"Why did she continue going there if she knows you'll get hurt?" I asked in pure curiosity. What kind of little sister is she?

"She doesn't know. Whenever I see them coming, I let Eliza go on her own so she won't see them bullying her big brother." He continued.

"This kind of routine continued until one day, they weren't playing there anymore. She was really really disappointed that she ran away from me and left me all alone. I really understand her so I didn't bother running after her. I went straight home and did my usual routine.. Reading." He said as he stood up.

"Want to walk while we talk? My back aches when I sit for a long time." Elyar said. I nodded and walked beside him.

"After a couple of hours, someone came knocking at my door. When I opened it, I saw a happy and energetic Eliza. That was the first time I saw her smiling and giggling. She even hugged me so tight and squeeled like any other girl would do. She told me that Brad asked her out and she said yes. I was really happy for her but I disagreed at the same time. I know Brad. He's up to no good but Eliza won't listen. She told me that he was being honest to her. That he loved her so much." He said as he picked a rose from a bush.

"Thanks." I said as he gave it to me.

"We didn't go home together for weeks. She even snuck Brad to her room and asked me to be her watch out if mom or dad would enter her room. I heard... disturbing noises and wasn't able to sleep for so many nights." He said as he blinked his eyes multiple times. I laughed at him because it was silly.

"What? how can you sleep knowing your little sister made out with someone in her room? It's really awkward!" He said and I laughed at him again.

"okay,, where was I? oh.. so one day.. Eliza came home crying. She didn't mind that mom and dad were there.. she just went directly to my room and hugged me tight. She broke down and cry in front of me. It hurts me to see her like that. She told me she saw Brad making out with a girl his age.What's worse? He denied her in front of the girl he's making out with." He said.

"Does she hate him as well?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yes. She cursed him for several times. day after day." He said. I gave him my "See?" expression.

"Seven years after, he showed up on our door step. She couldn't believe he's in our home. Good thing I wasn't there to see him." He continued.

"What did he do? beg her to take him back because he's not so popular now and he needs money." I said as amusing as I could but Elyar remained emotionless. I was a bitch. Dick move.

"He asked for her forgiveness. He said he's sorry. He told my sister that he's not expecting her to forgive him that easily but atleast he tried." He said still in an emotionless face.

"What did she do?" I asked her. My guess? She kicked his ass and shouted to never come back again.

"She hugged him and told him it's fine. That she forgive him. She moved on and found the right guy for her. Thanks to Brad, she was able to meet him. They met when she cried all day at the park and Stefan, her current boyfriend, gave her a handkerchief to wipe her tears away." He continued. I regret ever telling him my guesses.

"If my sister can forgive him knowing that she felt the same way as you did when Brad broke your heart, why can't you?" He asked me. He does have a point. But I still hate him so much.

"you know you could enjoy life if you'll let go of the past." Elyar said as I saw someone waving at us to go back inside.

"I think we're needed inside." I said as I walked ahead of him to avoid any further communication.

What am I going to do now?

Will Elyar be able to change her mind? Stay tuned for further updates!

FInals DONE! and I'm about to re-write the story that I deleted some time ago. :D I hope you'll like it too! :)

Sam's long dress on the side bar and I love it! I hope you do too! ---->

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