Chapter 1 of Idk HOw Many

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A/N: Hey everyone, so I am just typing as fast as my mond is thinking and not even looking back to see id it was spelled correctly.


KEith and LAnce remained skeptical as they moved down the loading dock to Pidge's lion. They stepped in and she turned in her control chair, spinning herself to see them. Hunk sat on the control board, chewing on a brownie. 

"Welcome my children." SHe greeted.

"Pidge- I-" LAnce started. Pidge inhaled the smoke from her pipe of burning flower petals.

"Hush. Hunk found these fuzzy purple clovers and ate them. They make you feel so slow."

She sat meditaing in her chair.

what makes you so sure that you can eat or even somke this stuff? Keith reasoned.

Pidge opened her eyes. "IM THE MOTHERFUCKIN NATURE LION" she yelled in their faces, passing the pipe to Keith. 

HE inhaled and held it in his lungs before exhaling. Pidge relit it and he took another hit. Lance and Hunk spent thier time eating the petals on assorted baked goods.

Then Pidge just fucking started levitating and everyone was like woe. 

### put  in  a whitty quote here and DellEte this note ###

"Yo I'm so high!" Lance yelled as he lay on the floor, watching the ceililng. 

Keith yelled that he wasnt high and then everyone remembered that aPidge was fucking levitating and  ( i would say something about hunk byt everyone foRgets my BoY.)

lol bye. "she said. floating up to the ceiling and walking upside down./ SHe turned in the doorway and shot a beam of LIGHTLazorBrighTness and made everything 100 degrees celcius and everyone ran screaming out of the Lioni to get oUt becaSue they Were like \AHHHHhh

but the Green Lion was High AF and it was busy enjoying Pidge levitating it with her forehead alazer beam.

Coran fell into the lion garage FlorLevel and was like k:Whats' up with airline food."

//laughing. so hard

A/N: Hey friends, I didnt edit or reread any ot=f this but i swear that i am laughting so hard because this actually is so funny if you understand the story that i imagined. And if anyone wondered if i am really high right now, yes. yes i am. Now i am going to give sdvice


1. even if im high as a kite, I knew where my friend was and constatnly checked to make sure that she was safe

2. be with friends that you TRUST. not those people that will let you do whatev for a fun time

3. set your limits when your sober and hold yourself to them like, I'm not going to drink tonight and i will have a RIDE HOME by a certain home

4. buzzed driving, texting and driving, and DruNK driving are UNACCEPTABLE and harms everyone

5. Have a good time, but watch your drink. Put it on a table in the center of the room with YOUR NAMe on it

6. Protect your friends, if they look like theyve had enough, or if theyre afraid to stay for any longer, or if they arent comfortable in any situation

7. dont rolla condom over your face. it semes like ti woud be really funny biut its sisnt

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