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Prompto didn't know why Noctis chased him through the train, hell he didn't even know why the prince pushed him off the train. The blonde thought Noctis would be happy that he was about to shoot Ardyn, but he guessed Noctis wanted Ardyn for himself.

After Prompto had left Aranea, he was headed towards Gralea to find his friends, wanting to tell them all, about his true identity and that he was born, no created, in Niflheim. Soon after he lost sight of her, MTs seemed to spring out of the snow drifts, surrounding Prompto in seconds.

Prompto was quick to draw his gun, though he knew he wasn't going to get out of this fight easily. Though the magitek weren't moving, only surrounding the blonde. Prompto was quick to turn towards the sound of the snow crunching underfoot, aiming his gun at chest level. Though Ardyn hardly seemed disconcerted, as he rose his hands in the air and stopped moving towards the blonde.

"Come now, I just wanted to see how you were doing Prompto. You just killed your father, I thought you could use someone to talk to."

The wine haired male spoke before the blonde felt a sharp pain at the base of his skull, and that was the last thing he could remember, before he woke up being escorted through a large facility, by the immortal. Prompto's body ached and he could taste blood in his mouth, a gloved hand on the back of his neck, the blonde was being pushed into a torture room.

He tried to summon his weapon, but no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't feel the comforting feel of solid metal in his hands. But, after a few moments, Ardyn pushed him forward and he stumbled into a weird cross. But he was too scared to really take focus of the room.

"Y-you could always just let me go. You k-know I haven't done anything wrong." The blonde said quickly, wanting to get back to his friends quickly, unsure of how Ardyn would treat him, or even if he'd be able to leave alive.

"Other than killing your father? His body and his soul? I do believe that is quite wrong" The immortal purred out, making sure the door was locked behind them both.

Prompto scanned his surrounding quickly, quietly. He was never any good at coming up with plans. Ardyn moved toward him and he reached out trying to summon his weapon.

"Tsk, tsk.." Ardyn looked at Prompto with amusement circling Prompto. "That won't work in here, or out there, or anywhere really. Your power to summon weapons is gone and with that is your ability to fight back. So why don't you be a good prisoner and stay put."

Prompto quickly made his way around the room and to the door only to be thrown back into the cross where he was locked into place. He struggled but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get it to budge an inch.

Ardyn laughed maniacally and stepped closer to the caged blond. Looking deep into his eyes Prompto could see the black sclera and the golden irises. His face pale, his eyes looked cruel, as the demonic eyes staring into the blonde's own soul. Terror radiated down Prompto's spine as he realized the thing in front of him wasn't human. He didn't have any remnant of humanity left in him. Like the daemons ate every last speck of compassion and kindness and filled him with hatred and despair.

The blonde leaned away from Ardyn, his fear overpowering his need to defend himself. The male let a whimper escape, his mind screaming at him to run. But cross had restrained him, his struggling was pointless as the cold metal cuffs confined his body, his wrists starting to sting from the edges cutting into his skin. The cross felt like it was getting smaller, the blonde's breathing was fast, sweat dripped down his face; when he finally realized he couldn't move and barely breath, Ardyn had to cup his cheeks for the blonde to realize where he was again. Prompto knew he was panicking, but what else could he do, he was trapped here, without guarantee his friends were coming to save him.

"Now, you're not going to be leaving with that attitude. You'll have to become a good little solider before you can leave." He said, before letting a smirk rise onto his face, as his demeanor returned to normal. His eyes settling back to his normal amber, and his face returning show his natural tan skin. You couldn't tell the person in front of him wasn't human. But Prompto would never forget the dark hallowed face.

"Now, what should I do with you? Leave you, for now, electrocute you, cut you, or perhaps I should let daemons in your room? Who knows, they might have a wonderful feast on you and your soul."

Prompto shivered, body starting to shake again, anxiety starting to take over his mind as he thought of daemons gnawing away at his soul. The blonde shivered thinking of the other options the immortal gave him. He bit his lip and shook his head, not wanting to speak to Ardyn.

"I guess, I'll leave you for now then. But don't be surprised if one of my pets comes in to check on you." Ardyn said softly, before giving a dismissive wave to the young male, as he walked out of the room.

The blonde never heard a click of the lock, though he did see Salpinx and Imp's approaching the room, scratching at the door. Prompto led a sob break through his throat as he let his head fall forward. Terror and exhaustion finally hitting his mind and body, the photographer slowly let the darkness take over his thoughts.

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