Chocobos or Chocobros

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Prompto's POV

Ardyn left the blonde alone, at least for a few hours. Though the daemons never left the front his room, always watching him in case he attempted to escape.

The blonde shivered as one of the monsters stared into his eyes. Eventually, Prompto caved and looked away, a sob breaking through his throat. He was afraid, worried that his friends have already forgotten about him, or didn't care enough to come and rescue him.

Prompto let his thoughts take over his mind, fear causing his mental state to deteriorate. Eventually, the daemons left and Ardyn returned with a tray of food and glass of water. The immortal gave the blonde a sickly sweet smile as he set the items on the table.

"I hope you're hungry, I took the liberty of making some food for you. Now I can leave it here, for your viewing pleasure, or hand feed you. Which would you prefer?" Ardyn asked as he picked up a spoonful of rice and beans, offering the food to the blonde.

Prompto glared at the chancellor and opened his mouth reluctantly. Knowing he couldn't pass an opportunity to eat, the blonde begrudgingly accepted the spoonfuls of food and small sips of water.

Soon after the plate was cleared and the glass drained, Prompto seemed to be nodding off alarmingly quickly. Though Ardyn, just ruffled the blonde's hair and whispered, "Sweet dreams."

Before Prompto's vision went black, and memories of his friends came flooding back to him.

The blonde was at the chocobo ranch, taking many pictures of the big fluffy birds. Letting the others laugh behind him as he cooed over the baby birds running underfoot.

"Prompto, do be careful. We don't need a broken camera or an injured chocobo." The adviser scolded lightly as the photographer nearly tripped over a dust feathered chickling.

"I'm always careful... ish?" He replied, his delight never faltering. He was simply to ecstatic over being near his favorite animals to let his mothering friend's scolding get in the way.

"Careful, yes. But you are often clumsy at times. Just please don't harm yourself Prompto." The adviser pleaded with the male.

The blonde looked over in surprise hearing the pleading voice, though when he only saw Ignis he understood. The one-time Ignis could let his guard even slightly down, was when it was without the presence of the prince and the shield.

"Come on Iggy, you know I won't get hurt. Not with you to protect me." He said, making his way over to the usually stoic male.

"I don't see how you expect me to protect you from your own balance." Ignis griped, grudgingly giving into Prompto's puppy dog eyes, he gave a small sigh and moved his hand to rest on the blonde's shoulder. "Fine, let's head back to camp and start dinner. Who knows where those two ran off."

"See, you just have to believe in yourself Iggy." Prompto said happily, as he ran back yo the chocobos. Giving them one final hug and taking a selfie or two with his preferred bird.

Though once he saw Ignis start to walk towards the campground, Prompto quickly ran after him. Doing his best not to trip over a feathered chickling, or break his camera.

"Specs, that's mean. I was almost done, I didn't get to say goodbye to Serenity, she's the fluffy, white one with pretty violet  eyes." He said, about to go on about more of the chocobos until he looked to at the sky, seeing how low the sun had gotten.

"Now do you see my haste to get to the grounds? I'm quite worried for Gladio and Noct as well. They should've been back from whatever endeavor they went on." Ignis voiced, no doubt scolding the two in his mind.

Prompto nodded in agreement and jogged to keep up with the elder's pace. As they got closer to the site, Prompto could've sworn he heard someone moaning and then soft grunts followed. God, please let there be some weird animal in the woods, Prompto prayed.

Though when they did get to the campsite Noctis was coming out of the tent, with a slight limp; while Gladio was nowhere to be seen.

Ignis started on the fire while Prompto fed the chocobos. Wanting to get his mind off of his ridiculous crush.

Right before dinner was done Gladio made his way out if the tent and Prompto felt a pang in his chest. His mind was racing, was he always in there, if so what happened between him and Noctis. Why were they in there together? Did something happen between the two of them?

By the time, Prompto pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind, he saw Gladiolus found sitting by the fire eating dinner with the others. Prompto finished feeding the birds and joined with the boys.

"I made your favorite, due to the other's deciding to make us worry," Ignis announced as he looked over at the blonde.

"Thanks, Specs. What were Noctis and you even doing here alone?" Prompto asked, hoping to keep his voice steady as he got his own serving.

"Sparring. Gladio wanted to see if I was staying in shape." The prince muttered, his hand going rub his ribs.

"Which he's not, so he got a few bruised ribs and a nice welt on his back now," Gladiolus said smugly as he reclined back in his seat.

"I should tend to that as well mend any holes you got in your clothing Noct." Ignis butted in before Prompto could reply.

The blonde settled in his seat and did his best to ignore his feelings for Noctis, spending his time talking and joking with the rest of the party.

Then Prompto opened his eyes, to find a gargoyle, in his room. The daemon's eyes watching the blonde with interest. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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