Chapter 1- Remember

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It's quite a funny thing, when you think about it, how much we really don't know how much we need someone. Think about it- who is the most important person in the world to you? Now, imagine them being dead.

That's how the last month of my life has been, wondering what I should do while welling on my pity pot. The thing is, it's okay. My big brother and big sister died. The soon to be King died. And with my parents getting up in age, it seems like there may be a queen as the ruler- not a king.

I guess, according to Mr. Tomo, it's okay. For the longest time my mother served as queen before she married my father. Then they were blessed with two twins, Heidi and Hayden.

Me, though, I was accident. I know it. Who would want a baby when they're forty-five? Not the King and Queen of Fiore. Maybe that's why I feel so... different. My entire family has the green tint for a hair color, but I'm here with black. I'm not even convinced that I'm my father's daughter. It doesn't make since, unless there's a gene way back to our ancestors.

Maybe if I had gone with Heidi and Hayden, I'd be dead too. That would be better, wouldn't it? I'm a cluttz, I have nothing to do with the outside world. I like it that way. My parents are trying to keep me hidden from the paparazzi because they don't want me to be on the cover of every magazine just like Heidi and Hayden were, even how a girl from a leisurely guild in Magnolia was. Sorcerer's Weekly is a funny magazine. Fun to make fun of, that is. Or at least that's my theory.

"Isa," Mr. Tomo knocked on my door to wake me up. "Huh?" I asked as I shifted under the white sheets to face the door. "Breakfast is ready," he said. I sat up and looked at clock. "Already?"

"Yes, mam," he said. Mr. Tomo is my butler. And guard. Everytime we've ever had a vistor, they always gawked at Mr. Tomo. He's in his early twenties, he has the stuble for a beard, but to me he is nothing more than a guard and a teacher.

You see, Mr. Tomo has always been there for me. Ever since I was born. They say he was one of Hayden's friends, but I never really knew. He got a job in the castle when I was born, and eventually he taught me everything I know about magic.

I changed clothes into shorts and a t shirt, and I walked down the long, tall corridor to the stairs, and Mr. Tomo was no where to be found. He does disappear a lot. I rounded the corner the hall and walked into the dining room.

"Good morning, Isa," my father said as I sat across from him. "Morning," I said. My mother sat quietly, picking at her plate. Ever since her two beloved children passed, I've barely ever seen her eat.

I've always kind of been in their shadow, after all, they're the two oldest children in a royal family, I guess you could say they were always in the spot light. Especially compared to the girl who's never seen the light of day except from behind a window pane. That's me, alright. I'm not known, and I like it that way.

"Hisui, eat," my father commanded. "I'm not hungry," she said in response. "I know that's not true," he said, "you haven't eaten since yesterday morning."

"I said I'm not hungry," she said sternly, with a hard tone strung in her voice. "Okay, fine," he said. I sat back and took quiet bites. I was ready to get back to my room, back to the safe zone. "So, Isa, how are you doing?" Dad asked. "Fine, I guess." What else could I say? "No, I'm not okay. I'm broken inside and I feel like I'm worthless, a good-for-nothing loser who has never seen the light of day. I don't talk to anyone outside of Mr. Tomo and my parents, and what used to be my two big siblings. But now they're dead, and because they got brave and went on the mission, they got themselves killed in two seconds, I can't use the one thing I was ever proud of- my magic"?

Maybe I can just put a gun to my head. It's not like anyone outside my family would know I'm gone.

With a swipe of the hand, I could have a gun in my hand. I kill myself right now, at the table, and they would probably forget me faster than they forgot the war ten years ago. Gunslinger magic is relevantly new, Mr. Tomo was my teacher.

I remember when Heidi were still here, and how my mom would give her a new dress for every special occasion that came, which I spent locked away in my room, where I belonged. Where I'm doomed to be for the rest of my life. Forever and ever and ever.

Hayden and Heidi always made me forget that I was second best to them. They'd always run around the corridors of the castle with me when I was five and they fourteen. You know, that was the kind of person they were, the kind of big brother and big sister I want to remember.


Hello, guys. So, are you excited?

Yeah, yeah, I know. I've  been gone for awhile. The thing is, school and sports have me pretty occupied. We had a break a few days ago, and suddenly, I got the urge to write Fairy Tail again.

So... god knows how long this will be. Good thing about this go round, is that I'm more experienced. I know what I should do, and I promise, I promise, that the grammar will be way better this time. Now, although Fairy Tail won't come around for a few chapters (Chapter 10-ish) but I'm really excited for the story. I'll post daily-ish.

Thanks for reading and hang in there. I will finish this story- you know I will.

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