So what do you think about going there with me? (2017 DAY 5: Cuddles/Hugs)

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Hugs always had a grounding effect for Lance, taking him out of the hurricane that was Voltron and placing him back on metallic floors. It took a while, of sleepless death-holds and soft, after battle embraces that proved to each other that they still existed, that he realised he liked Shiro's the most.
Really, it's no surprise.


The first time he thinks of is back at the beginning.
It arguably started before Kerberos. At the Garrison, where everything had to be kept on the down low, quiet and unspoken as to not be discovered. It was one particular night that Lance remembers fondly; it was the first week back after summer break, Shiro had just graduated and was training for Kerberos, and Lance hadn't yet flunked the flight exam that haunted his piloting career.
A simpler time, if you will. Their only worry was Iverson catching Lance on his way to Shiro's quarters, rather than death at the hands of the Galra. Thankfully, Lance hadn't even heard other footsteps tonight, and opened the door with a click of his stolen keys.
Shutting the door gently, he found Shiro hunched over a desk, reading what appeared to be flight manuals. It was a soft sight; yellow light from an old lamp illuminated Shiro's face, casting fuzzy shadows over his cheeks and eyes. Apart from that, the room was dark, an indication that he'd lost track of time again.
Lance smiled at the sight, creeping up to Shiro and wrapping his arms around Shiro's shoulders. "Whatcha' reading?" He asked, pressing a kiss into black hair. Below him, Shiro chuckled and placed a warm hand over Lance's.
"Nothing heavy, just some old flight logs Commander Holt wanted me to be up to date with." He leaned back in his chair and span it around once Lance retracted his arms. "How's your week been? Classes alright?"
"They've been alright, I guess. I think I've had more work this past week then I've had all of last year." He replied, throwing his arms wide for emphasis, then letting them fall to his sides once more. "How's the piloting going so far?"
"I haven't done any yet, I've just been sitting in on departmental meetings and planning routes." He said, smiling at Lance's empathetic pout. "Iverson still thought I was a cadet until Professor Jericho pointed it out to him." Slowly, Shiro stood and walked over to Lance, who practically jumped towards him and looped his arms over his shoulders. Shiro rested his hands low on Lance's hips before pulling him in for a warm hug. "It's been a weird week without you, Kitten."
"God, I know, right?" Lance agreed, tilting his head up to look at Shiro. "I saw you at lunch the other day, and I was about to go and eat with you until I remembered you're my 'superior' now."
"Haven't I technically always been your superior?"
Lance hummed noncommittally. "Yeah, but that was because you were two classes up from me. You were still a 'lowly cadet' like the rest of us." He imitated Iverson's gruff insults, making Shiro laugh quietly until Lance threw his face against his chest with mock anger. Shiro had missed this, missed sliding into his dorm just before lights out to hear Lance ramble about his day, missed dragging Keith over to their shared lunch bench and laugh fondly at Hunk's amazement that 'the Takashi Shirogane' sat, ate lunch with them and shared crappy jokes.
A knock snapped his head up.
"Shirogane? Are you in?"

Lance tensed in his arms, looking up at Shiro with a face of abject horror. "Shit." He whispered through gritted teeth.
"Oh god, where can you hide?" Shiro madly looked around the room, could he hide in the bathroom?
That's when he span around to see Lance folding himself into the metal closet by his bed, sending a thumbs up and making Shiro withhold a laugh before shutting the doors in on himself.

The talk didn't take long, and the Professor never actually invited herself into the room, so really there wasn't any need for Lance to hide. Ten minutes later, Shiro rapped his knuckles against the metal of the closet, whispering a "She's gone." through the open grills. Lance practically tumbled out of the closet, falling dramatically into Shiro's arms.
"It's getting near curfew, you should go." Shiro murmured into his shoulder.
Lance grumbled. "Then make sure this hug is good then. It's gotta fill my hug quota for the week, and there's only so much Hunk can do."
In response, Shiro tightened the hug, pressing his lips to the sensitive skin on Lance's neck before kissing up and along his jawbone. In his arms, Lance shuddered and leaned further into Shiro, allowing his head to be moved so he could place a chaste kiss on Lance's lips. Their breath mingled for a second, neither wanting to break this moment.
"Go, I'll see you next week."
"Same time?" Lance asked, panting slightly in time with his thudding heart.
Shiro nodded. "I sit in on your astrophysics. If it changes, I'll slip you a note."
Smiling, Lance pressed one more kiss onto Shiro's lips before backing away.
"I love you." He tossed over his shoulder with a fond smile. "See you tomorrow, yeah?"
Shiro nodded. "Of course." He returned the smile. "Love you too!"

The story of us (Shance Fluff Week 17/18)Where stories live. Discover now