This small thing (2017 DAY 4: First/Last)

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"Wait, so, what actually is this thing?"

It had been an odd day.
The team had just returned from saving a planet; usual fare, big angry Robeast that liked to smash stuff decided to fight a centuries old magical defence golem and defeated it. This somehow caused an entire planet of infinitely powerful clay witches to panic and send out a desperate distress call for Voltron. Even though, Lance decided, they were all probably stronger than Voltron and the castle put together.

But the Princess said strong allies are good allies to have, and their celebration party was the best Lance had ever been to (he and Shiro had gotten way too drunk on alien mead and the less said about that the better) so really, who was he to complain?
The only problem now was that while the team were doing responsible diplomacy stuff, a tiny native animal had crawled on board the Blue Lion. They didn't notice they had brought it back until Lance was cleaning up, where it slinked out of the airlock and leaped for his face with claws bared.

So now, the group were sat watching as Coran locked the animal in a glowing box and performed a slew of tests that he promised would reveal what this thing was. Once, they were standing with interest, but that was four vargas ago.

Coran hummed in reply to Pidge's question, turning his back on the group once again as the screens flashed with silhouettes of indistinguishable creatures. Inside the cage, the creature hissed at Lance again, and he moved backwards with a cringe. "Uh, Coran?" He asked cautiously, never breaking eye contact with the creature. "Do you know what it is yet?"
The answer wasn't immediate, but eventually Coran span around with a cry of surprise, nearly hitting Hunk in the face with a wild arm. "It's a Wraxnid!" He exclaimed. "Why, they were all but extinct ten thousand years ago. To see one now, it's extraordinary!"
To their right, Allura's eyes widened, muttering her excited shock under her breath. The rest of the team deadpanned. "A... Wraxnid?" Shiro flatly asked, raising one eyebrow and folding his arms, shooting a confused glance at Lance who shrugged in reply.
"Unexpected predators from the planet Wridwren, very similar to your Earthing felines." Coran chuckled. Allura brightly looked up from the creature. "Father had a friend once who used to keep Wraxnids as castle guards!" She frowned for a second. "They were always very nice, as long as you brought food."
The Wraxnid was hardly two foot long, with a streamlined tail that made up most of its length and matted grey fur that covered its entire body. Lance could see why Coran said it was similar to cats; he thought it was a cat to be honest, until he finally clocked the six legs and five unblinking purple eyes that followed him around the room.

But it was still so tiny.

"This... was a guard dog?" Keith asked in disbelief, crouching down to get a closer look.
"Keith! Don't get any closer!"
Ignoring Coran, Keith leaned towards the cage, staring at the Wraxnid that turned its head towards him, settling into a sitting position and curling its tail around its feet. "But it's so small..."
"Okay Keith, now back away very slowly."
Keith didn't have time to back away before the Wraxnid exploded into a mass of fur and flesh that pushed on the welding of the whole cage. It clawed and hissed. It's legs came through the bars of the cage, now long and lean, swiping sharp talons though the air where Keith had once been. He had jumped backwards, barrelling into Hunk who toppled over in shock.
Allura ran over, fiddling with the latch.
"Princess, are you setting that thing on us?" Lance nearly screeched, shuffling cautiously over towards where Shiro was tensely stood.
Allura frowned angrily. "It's agitated, we need to get it out."

Within seconds, the cage was in pieces on the floor and the Wraxnid, now the size of tiger, was stood on all six legs with a wild look in its eyes. It flicked its head over to Lance, and he stopped still on the floor. He heard Keith breathe out a sigh of relief, only for the Wraxnid to jump from the table and begin to slink towards him.
"Okay Lance, this is fine, just don't move."
He didn't dare move. The Wraxnid was practically on top of him, and was purring?

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