Showers. . .

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Dani's P.O.V

I turned on the shower and got in, the steaming water burned my cold wet skin. I immediately started washing my hair but half way through it began to be overwhelming.

I slowly slid down the slick wall and ended up in a ball on the floor. I was crying and every tear shed I found it harder to pull myself together.

After 10 minutes I forced myself up and started finishing with me hair. I head someone yelling in the hallway, I couldn't make out what was being said but it didn't seem angry just concerned. So I decided to ignore it.

I had planned on shaving my legs but the tasks now seemed unattainable.

I turned off the water and wrapped the towel around myself tightly. I quickly put on the clothing I had brought with me. I left without looking in the mirror not wanting to see myself.

I went into my room and sat on the bed, I didn't know how long my mom was going to be away but I needed her. . .

I sat on the bed and wrapped my hair up in the towel, and began thinking about how crazy the last 24 hours have been.

Thinking is a dangerous thing for me, when I start thinking I often can't stop, hours will go by where I have just sat there in thought until an outside force comes along and snaps me out of it.

I felt someone's eyes on me but I was to exhausted to turn my head to see if there was someone there or if I was simply being paranoid.

I finally gained the courage to look in the mirror finding I didn't recognize the girl staring back at me.

I knew logically it was me, She had the same hair, same eyes, and same face as I did. But there was something missing from this girl.

I started to think back to the last time I had seen the girl I once knew. It was almost a year ago now, at my brother's 18th birthday party. I remember getting ready in my room and looking at the bright girl in the mirror. It seems so silly now that I stressed about looking nice for the party. Because now I wish I hadn't gone.

If only I could go back and tell her not to go downstairs. To stay in her room the whole night, maybe just maybe I would still be looking at the girl now.

I know super short again I'm sorry. The next one will be longer. If you don't mind and liked this chapter leave a vote at the bottom!

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