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Dani's P.O.V

I can't believe that just happened... I've never had a sexual experience that I wanted. This one I felt like I had the control and it ended up feeling amazing... when he was done I kinda scurried away into the bathroom...I don't know why I did I guess I was embarrassed.

"Hey Dani you okay..? Sorry if that was to much" he said and I instantly felt bad hearing how nervous he was.

"I-I'm f-f-fine." I said and mentally slapped myself for stuttering since I obviously didn't sound very convincing. "I'll b-be out in a minute" I said trying to slow my breathing.

"Dani um can you open the door a bit I won't look but I'm gonna hand you your bag so you can get some clothes...I figure that might help a little.." he said softly.

I felt stupid for coming in here without clothes. I opened the door slowly and he kept his word he turned his head away and held out the bag. I took it and closed the door. I pulled out a new pair of panties, a blue sports bra. a big white t shirt, and black leggings. I quickly put them on took a few deep breaths and opened the door. I went back into Brian's room and found him sitting on the bed with his hands folded in his lap.

"Hi" I said lamely. I didn't know what else to say.

"Hey baby, you okay?" He asked gently I nodded my head and walked over to him I gently hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I want this." I said softly as I pulled him closely. "But I need this to go slow... I don't know if I'm ready for what just happened to happen again soon..." I said knowing I sounded silly and like a hypocrite.

"Baby that's okay..we'll go as slow as you want. Do you want to sleep in here or in another room tonight?" He asked curiously.

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked then blushed for my poor word choice. "I mean just sleep with you.." I said trying to recover.

He chuckled slightly "I'd love to just sleep with you sweetheart. If you don't mind tho I think I might go take another quick shower." He said and got up.

When the water started I realized why he needed one...I immedianlty felt bad but I knew I wasn't ready to "make him feel good". So I kept my mouth shut and turned on the tv. I cuddled up into the blankets, about twenty minutes later the shower stopped, Brian got dressed and stepped out. He was wearing grey sweatpants.

"Do you want me to wear a shirt?" He asked and I thought that was really sweet for him to be considerate of the fact that that may make me uncomfortable. I just shook my head and scooted over in the bed.

He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me and we laid like this and watched the tv.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was morning. Brian wasn't next to me though. I got up slowly and went downstairs hoping he hadn't left me here. I was happy to see that he hadn't. He was sitting outside on the phone.

"no papá está bien, bien te veré mañana"  I just heard the end of his phone call. He hung up the phone and put his head in between his hands.

I went outside and gently wrapped my arms around his waist. "You okay" I said as I reached up and softly kissed his neck.

"Yeah my father is coming back for a few days tomorrow." He said but he didn't seem happy. I couldn't help but get giddy at the thought of seeing my mother again.

"Is my mom coming to?" I asked excitedly I hadn't seen her in about three months.

"No he said she was staying back to handle a deal they started and that he was only staying for a week max." He said, his voice was monotone, emotionless. I was sad to hear that my mom wouldn't be coming but I couldn't help but notice the distaste for his father.

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