Chapter 4- Keeping Cool over Coffee

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Sebastian took me to a small place on James' Street. We sat at a table by the window and he went up to the counter and bought me a coffee.

I look over my shoulder and see he's coming back, I smile at him lightly as he placed the mugs on the table.

"So," he begins as I take a sip of my coffee.

"So." I giggle.

"Tell me more about yourself." He takes a sip of my own coffee.

"Bit urm.. Cheesy."

"And what's wrong with cheesy? When I kissed your hand earlier you went all wobbly at the knees." He smirks.

I gasp and blush bright red. Eventually, I give into him.

"Okay," I sigh. "What do you want to know?"

"Well.. Everything.." He shrugs.

"That's a bit... vague." I try and put him off.

I don't want to tell him anything because I know he'll be significantly underwhelmed, unimpressed, disappointed. However you want to phrase it.

"20 questions." He raises an eyebrow.

"That is definitely cheesy!" I exclaim.

"I don't care." He replies bluntly.

Apparently Sebastian is prone to mood swings.

"Um.. Okay, go ahead." I sigh, teasing my hair a little.

"Okay, how old are you?" He asks.

"21." I reply. "You?"

"23." He grins, I bet he thinks I'm too young now. Kitty he was never into you in the first place!

I however, find the age gap rather interesting. It's only two years so not to big, but I like a man who's older than me. I don't know why, it's just.. attractive.

"What's your full name?" He strikes up the conversation again.

"Don't laugh.." I begin. "Kitty Josephine Greyson."

He lets out a little laugh. "There's nothing wrong with that." He shakes his head. "In fact, it's a beautiful name."

"Th-thank you." I stammer a little under his watchful gaze. "What about you?" I compose myself again.

"Sebastian George White." He nods proudly.

"That's a nice name.. It fits nicely I mean." I try to cover up my appalling attempt at flirting.

"Thanks." He chuckles. "Where do you live?"

"Just outside London, you?"

"Centre of London." He beams.

"I wish I could afford a place there." I sigh.

"One day you'll be able to."

I notice his hand slowly creeping to the middle of the table, closer to my own which is resting close to me. I decide to ignore it, coincidence.

"I doubt it." I scoff.

"You will, one day, I'm gonna see your face on billboards and in magazines. On the catwalk in London Fashion Week. Paris, New York, Milan, you name it." His voice lowers to a deeper tone.

My breathing becomes shaky as I notice his rather large hand is now engulfing my own petite one. his thumb softly stroking my palm.

"You really think so?" I ask, shakily.

"I've never seen anyone as talented as you before." He smiles, edging closer to me.

I know he's not going to kiss me or anything, I'm not stupid, I've kissed people before. I know you don't kiss when you haven't even asked them out, I've seen the signs.

But I know what he's doing now, I know for sure this is flirting. Which only makes me even more self-concious around him, the fact that I know he's noticed me andpossibly even likes me makes me want to impress him even more.

"I-I.. I don't know what to say." I gulp.

He laughs a little, although it more resembles a heavy out put of air rather than an actual laugh.

"We never finished the 20 questions." I break the tension. Once again missing an opportunity.

I don't know what it is about this boy, I'm self-concious, yes, but not to this extent. I don't usually worry about a single hair falling in front of my eyes, I don't usually constrict myself within conversation, I don't usually worry about how I'm sat, or how I'm eating, or how I'm laughing.

It just doesn't happen with me.

I'm not usually this awkward, I don't usually stammer, or laugh at serious comments, or nervously bounce my leg under the table.

"True," he seems to back away from me, leaning back in his chair. Have I put him off?

"So, do you have anymore?" I clear my throat.

"Um.. No, not really." He avoids eye contact, playing with the sugar shaker on the table. Glancing briefly over at the chalk board menu and then back at the table.

Another one of his mood swings I guess.

"Then.. I guess I should be off.." I say awkwardly, grabbing my handbag and standing up. Leaving the half cup of coffee to grow cold where I was sat before.

"No." He reaches out and grabs me by the wrist as I make for the door.

"What is is, Sebastian?" I ask, soon realising I shouldn't have used his name as it sounds snobby and demanding.

"Call me Seb." He corrects me. "And I do have another question."

He stands in front of me and grins.

"Are you single?"

Just Another Drifter {BOOK 1 in the 'Just Another' Series}Where stories live. Discover now