Chapter 5- Fletcher/ Lee Jones.

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"Are you single?"

That's when it dawned upon me.

Sebastian- or Seb- White didn't like me at all. He just liked having the upper hand, an advantage over me.

He liked to see me squirm and squeal over him, he liked to see me; as he called it "wobbly at the knees."

But I wasn't going to let him have that advantage, so I may or may not have invented an imaginary boyfriend to trick him.


In my mind Lee is tall, a little skinny but with a fair bit of muscle on him, his hair is scruffy and blonde, his eyes are piercing blue. His smile is crooked like Seb's, but his jaw isn't as defined and he isn't such a player. He's more of a loving sweet heart too me.

Okay I may have gone a little over board.

"Please, please, please!" I beg on my knees, by the front door.

"No way!" He yells.

"Oh come on Fletch, just pretend, please, it's easy really." I stand, leaning on the door.

"You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?! No way!" He exclaims.

"Fletch! Think of all the times I've helped you! Come on, you don't have to do much, just act like my boyfriend and be cool." I shrug.

"No, not a chance in hell Kitty." He shakes his head vigourusly. "I have a girlfriend!"

"No you don't! Pawning over Jane for 2 years doesn't count as having a girlfriend." I shake my head.

"4. 4 years is how long we've been on and off for thank you very much. But you wouldn't know because you've only known me for the last 2 years."

"Fine, 4 years. But still, please Fletch. I'm begging you." I roll my eyes before returning to my knees.

So, I'm knelt on the ground outside my best friend Fletcher's house. He's my only friend that happens to be a boy.

He's nothing at all like I imagine Lee to be like, but then again, he wouldn't be. I wouldn't imagine my hot, amazing, fake boyfriend to look like my best friend, that'd be weird.

He's taller than I imagine Lee to be, at around 6'2 he's a bit taller than me obviously as I'm just about 5'8 and wearing heels.

His jawline is defined, just like Seb's. Although his hair is long and thick, sitting neatly above his brow, curly and blonde. His eyes are a dull hazel-green colour, although I've always found them entrancing, they're not quite the myserious choclate brown ones that I adore or in fact the piercing blue ones that imagined. He's muscly, anyone would admit that, and he's always laughing.

He always makes me laugh and sometimes, honestly, I wish I would go for guys like him. Or maybe exactly him, instead of boys that lead me on and play me like Seb.

We met when I briefly started work at a restuarant in town that he also worked at, he worked in the bar and I worked as a waitress.

We quickly became friends, and even went on a date once, but that was too weird, so we went back to being friends. And have stayed that way for the last 2 years.

"Why do you need me anyway?!" He groans.

"For the last week I've been pretending I had a boyfriend, and I haven't spoken to him really. But tomorrow I have a huge shoot with some magazine and he's taking the shots. He won't believe that he's real if I don't bring him with me."

"He's not real!" He looks at me with wide eyes.

"Please, Fletch." I pout.

"This is that Seb guy right?" He asks, sighing.

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