Chapter 4~ Reactions and Introductions

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Hey guys! I've been really trying hard to get this up and going at a good pace so I'm sorry for the inconvinience. My wendsdays are completely full and I have to baby-sit throught the week at random. so please forgive me. Anyways enjoy!


Ciel's P.O.V

How dare they laugh at my dear sister and myself!!! I fumed inward angily. "What do you think your doing!?" I growled at them. They immediatly stood to attention, blushing voilently. "We're so sorry sir! We meant no disrespect sir no we didn't!" Mey-Rin quickly appologized. "Yeah sir we meant no harm. We're very sorry!" Bard added followed by Finny " Yes yes! We were just curious about our guest sir."

I let out a sigh, these fools are a disgrace. I would've fired them a long time ago if not for their other uses to me as my pawns. "Very well, but you will be punished for being absolutely rude to our honored guest." I turned to Sebastian "Take care of this." "Yes my Lord." he replied with a low bow. "Brother" Crystal pulled my arm so I'm face to face with her again. "Don't punish them, they truely meant no harm. I bet we did look rather silly!" She grinned her elegant smile that i remember so well from my childhood.


We were running through a meadow in the country, flowers of all colors surrounding us. Lizzy squealing with joy, hand in hand with me and Crystal. We formed a circle, twirling faster untill our hands slipped and we fell. Laughing with the fun we layed in the flowers, looking for pictures in the clouds, and the smile never leaving her face like the sun ray's warmth.


Crystal's P.O.V

I smiled sweetly at my brother, mentally begging him not to punish them. I don't know what my brother would do anymore, i don't know what he is like when he's angry and i hope i never will. I don't blame them either, we looked very funny. I've got smiling down, at least i think I do. After a long pause Ciel finally spoke "Very well, they will just have to give Pluto a bath." He smiled evily at them. They exaggerated a groan. I let out a small cough in attempt to get my brothers attention again so he can introduce his servants. It did the trick, he introduced the maid with glasses and a heavy brittish accent as Mey-Rin, the chef as Bard, and the small blond boy with hairpins as Finny. "And this is my sister, Crystal." Thier jaws dropped at that mentions that i'm Ciel's sister. I rose my eyebrow in question, i bit confused. Sebastian seemed to notice my confusion, "I believe that they are just in shock my Lady because perhaps they were unaware that Master Ciel had any siblings." he informed me, i nooded my head. Ceil never spoke of me? I wondered. Though it made sense why he wouldn't, up untill a few days ago i was dead to his knowledge.

My knees began to shake beneath my skirts, the effort from standing so long was overwhelming. I leaned against the wall for support suddenly out of breath like i just ran here from France. "Crystal? Are you alright?" Ciel asked worriedly. I nodded quickly but the movement made me dizzy. I began to wobble, unable to stand any longer I colapsed in a set of arms. I looked up to see that it was Sebastian. How did he get over here so fast? I wondered. I was then lifted up bridal style, everything was so blurry my vision wouldn't focus. I rested my head on The dark butler's sholder, when i tried to lift my head again the room becan to do summersaults around me so i kept my head on his sholder. "Take her to my study." I heard Ciel speak somewhere to my right. I felt Sebastians muscles move beneath his suit and the smooth bounce of his stride. After a moment I heard Ciel's voice again, "Set her on this chair." I was then settled down onto a plush lounging chair. "I will Fetch some water for Lady Crystal to drink and a cool rag." Sebastians cool voice seemed to help focus my vision a bit.

By the time Sebastion came back, my vision was back to normal. "Are you alright Crystal?" Ceil spoke softly next to me, gripping my hand. I hadn't even noticed his hand in mine. How long have i been like this? I questioned myself. " Are you alright Miss?" Sebastian repeated Ciel's question. "Yes, I'm alright thank you." I answered sweetly. Ciel continued to press for answers "What happened?" I let out a long sigh, "I am weak brother, indeed not as strong as before the fire, because it left me with almost no strength." Ciel's eyes were filled with worry, "Why did you not tell me?" He asked at the brink of tears. "Because dear brother i do not want you to worry for me, i will regain my strength in time. You'll see."

The worry seemed to drain from his eyes at the hearing that. "Alright well i believe that its best for us to retire now. Sebastian help Crystal to her room and with anything she needs." He said standing and turning to leave. "I love you Ciel." He stopped in mid-step, turning his head to me. "I-I love you too Crystal." He rasped walking out of the room. Sabastian walked to the couch i was resting on and picked me up bridal style. Before long we were in my room. "I will wait outside for you to be dressed so if you need any assistance, just ask." He looked a bit uncomfortable about offoring to help me change into my nightgown so i decided to decline. Once i was dressed he helped me into bed. "Rest well my Lady, and may your strength start again anew with the new day." he said pulling the covers up to my chin "Thank you Sebastian." I called to him before he could leave. "For what my Lady?" he puzzled. "For caring for Ciel and myself." I answered casually. "Well if i couldn't do this simple thing, what kind of butler would i be?" he chuckled as he left the room leving me to my nights rest. Theres something odd about him. I thought as i drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys! sorry for the wait! i had my bros b-day and wrestling matches filling up my schedule... :/ I love how many reads i got after such a short time!!! thank you guys so much!

I just want to make a special shout out to LarissaRojass who has been helping me plan out this story. So thank you! Don't forget to Vote and COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!! :) Hopefully i'll get the next update posted soon just bear with me!! :) thanks guys!

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