Chapter 6~ the betrothed

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Crystal's P.O.V

The young girl ran to Ciel, wrapping her arms around his neck nearly flattening him. "Oh Ciel I missed you so much!" she sang happily. "Elizabeth!" Ciel groaned in her grasp. realization hit me "Elizabeth?" I asked. The blond leapt back in surprise unaware that I was standing there. "Um, yes but I like to be called Lizzy. What's your name?" Whe wore the biggest grin, one that I remember from my childhood. "What? You don't remember me little duck?" I exclaimed pretending to be shocked, using the nickname that I have her when we were kids.

Her eyes widened with surprise, her grin shockingly grew as she shrieked out smothering me "OH MY GOODNESS CRYSTAL YOUR ALIVE!" I chuckled within her grasp. She leapt off of me when an awkward cough sounded from behind us. Once our attention was caught, Ciel spoke. "What are you doing here Elizab- I mean Lizzy?"

"Ciel don't be rude!" I snapped, angered at his mistreating tone as if she was some unwanted nuisance.

"I am not!" He retorted.

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Stop it!" Lizzy shrieked.

Our mouths shut in an instant. Lizzy had yelled at us when we fought as children, but that was nothing. She was almost a woman and had the attitude for it.

"So what is on your schedule today Ceil?" Lizzy asked as if nothing happened.

"Well nothing really-.." He replied, the last bit muffled as my hearing began to get fuzzy.

I groaned quietly as my head began to pound, my palms sweaty as I felt my skin heat up. No one seemed to notice and I didn't mind. The last thing I need is more attention and worry.

I rested my head on my hand that was propped up by my elbow as they talked. I felt tears of pain brim my eyes but didn't dare let them fall. I went to stand up and immediately felt my legs tremble. I held my breath and used the table for support as I continued. I noticed my vision getting blurry so I decided to make it to notice, but I would under exaggerate for Ciel's sake.

"Ciel.." I rasped. He didn't notice, too busy in his conversation with Lizzy about latest crimes and responsibilities. I felt the room begin to spin and the floor seemed to wobble beneath me. Unfortunately my hand was on the chess board and it managed to slip off the table under my weight, causing me to topple to the floor without a sound other than the chess board and pieces.

"My Lady!!" Sebastian called as he ran to me. His face the last thing I saw before blacking out.

Sebastian's P.O.V

How can I possibly know what's going on?! I fetched her some water and layed her on the lounge chair as Ciel ran to her side, clutching her hand as Lizzy fanned her.

"Sebastian. What could be wrong with her?" Ciel asked worriedly. I clearly saw the worry in his eyes for his beloved sister.

"I'm afraid I haven't got the slightest clue" I said before Lady Crystal bolted upright with a gasp.

Crystal's P.O.V

I woke with a start, laying on the couch that I had been placed yesterday.

"Crystal? Are you ok? Why does this keep happening? What IS happening?" Ciel questioned. I could tell he was worried, or scared, or possibly both.

"I'm ok Ciel. I just slipped and hit my head thats all." I lied sweetly, trying to sound as convincing as possible. He seemed to buy it cause he nodded simply. "I'm sorry i've developed a bit of a clutz habbit." I added with a slight giggle.

Later after Lizzy had left I took a walk in the garden alone. Ceil was in a meeting and very busy and I hadn't seen it since the fire. I walked along, admiring the many roses that my father planted for my mother before Ciel was born. I smiled a bit as a cat walked on the path not far from me.

"This isn't the best place for you beautiful. Ceil is very allergic to cats and doesn't appreciate their company" I said as I pet the sleek black cat. I had loved cats since I was small but never could have one due to Ceil. The she-cat nuzzled my skirts and hand as i kneeled and pet her soft fur, simply admiring her bright green eyes and well-managed coat.

"Oh how I wish I could keep you.." I said but quickly silenced myself when I heard footsteps coming toward me. The beautiful she-cat didn't seem alarmed and she jumped into my lap. Nuzzling my neck, making me giggle.

Sebastian peeked around the corner and smirked. "You know Master Ciel is alleric to cats right? After all, you have been living with him for a longer time than I."

I blushed sheepishly. "But she's marvelous! Absolutely beautiful really." He smiled slightly at my response, pleased with my answer.

"But obviously you knew about his allergies, so why are YOU here?" I smirked as I watched him marvel at the young cat.He cleared his throat a bit nervously, knowing I knew that he visits her often.

"But I won't tell as long as you share her." I said, sitting on the stone bench nearby.

"Such beauty shouldn't be hidden, but I suppose we are selfish of treasures." he answered as he knelt and pet her gently.

"A true beauty is one within the heart alone but is always hidden and longed to be found only by few." I said with a chuckle. He chuckled as well and something seemed to gleam in his deep crimson eyes.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I may actually enjoy this little secret with Lady Crystal. She seems very clever, even for a demon. Her elegant features were magnified as the moon shone. The dim and bright light suiting her perfectly. I watched in marvel as she pet the cat that had left me and climbed on her lap.

She smiled as the cat nuzzled her for attention. She was shockingly beautiful, her flawless porecelin skin like a small child's. She looked at me and smiled with the faintest blush. I smiled and sat next to her. Petting the feline with her, talking about nothing in particular until I heard Master Ciel call for me.


I sighed and stood along with Crystal. Leaving the she-cat on the bench. "I will return tomorrow to bring you some fish." I promised the young feline.

"I'll bring the milk" Crystal said from behind me, already leaving towards the house.

Crystal's P.O.V

I danced around my room in pajamas like a child at christmas. The dinner was wonderful thanks to Sebastian. I snuggled in my blankets as I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in" I called to the knocker. Sebastian stepped in smoothy. "We're going to town tomorrow to investigate the 'Jack the ripper' case. Master Ciel would like to know if you'd care to join us." He said calmly.

"Jack the ripper? I'd like to hear details in the morning. The answer is yes, thank you Sebastian." I said with a tired smile.

"Very well. Goodnight Lady Crystal." I said as he bagan to shut the door.

"Just Crystal is fine Sebastian." I said.

"Alright. Goodnight Crystal." He replied as he closed the door. I soon after plunged into a dreamless sleep.


SO?! ^_^ I'm gonna try to get another chapter in tonight but I make no promises >_<

I've started Role-Playing so if you'd like to RP with me i'd be happy to ^_^ i do all kinds of rp just saying. Feel free to message me or comment if you have a suggestion for the story.

Thank you guys so much for bearing with me and voting ^_^ I can finally say i've done something right!

Read on. Bye! ^_^


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