The Daughter Of Poseidon

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Chapter 6 : Training.... Blegh


Leo's P.O.V.


I waited in the training area. Today we could choose our partner and Juliana hadn't come out yet. I sighed and sat down on a rock. A pair of new Converse walked up. "Wanna train together?" The voice said and I looked up hopefully but it wasn't her. An Aphrodite girl was in front of me. I scowled. "Fine. Whatever." She smiled and I realized it was Drew. I stifled a groan and picked up a sword. I didn't even like using a sword. Stepping into a flat area, I stabbed at her sword, trying to disarm her. She skillfully dodged and attempted to hit me with the flat part. At that moment, Juliana walked out. She had her dark hair tied up and she had dirty Converse with tattered jeans and a Camp Half Blood shirt. She looked great and I guess I zoned out since Drew hit me in the head with her sword. "Ow...." I said while she giggled. Juliana ran over. "Hey Leo!" She said happily, and smiled. "Training? Blegh." She said and made a face as if there were something disgusting in front of her.

I laughed while she smiled goofily. Drew made a face. "Who is this?" She asks prissily, her sword out. "I'm Juliana. Daughter of Poseidon, and Leo's best friend!" She said, obviously not knowing who Drew was. Drew snorted and Juliana's goofy smile wavered. She stepped closer to me, and looked into my brown eyes, her green ones showing nervousness.


Juliana's P.O.V.


I looked into Leo's soft brown eyes. He raised his hand. "Juliana, this is Drew, Daughter of Aphrodite." He introduced the prissy girl who stepped over to Leo and hooked her arm through his. "Let's keep training." Drew said and looked at me. I pouted. "Me and Leo are partners." I said, and looked desperately at Leo. Drew unsheathed her sword and pointed at me. "I challenge you to a sword duel. Winner can be his partner." I rolled my sea-green eyes. "He would pick me over you any day." Leo sat down, his chocolate brown eyes looked dull. I grabbed my helmet and tucked my hair into my armor so it wouldn't get cut off. Looking around, I looked at Leo who handed me his sword. I smiled weakly and twirled it in my hands like I had been doing it all my life. It felt natural and as soon as Drew said "Go." I lunged and managed to hit her in the chest with enough force to knock her backwards. Her mouth made an "O" shape as she stood up, narrowing her eyes. When she stabbed, I quickly dodged and found myself attacking. Within moments, she was on the ground, looking up at me in amazement. I took off my helmet and my hair fell back down to my back. "Don't mess with the Jacksons." I said, quiet enough for her to hear. I ran over to Leo who was standing there in astonishment. "How...." He trailed off and I smiled. "It's a family thing I guess." I shrugged and he came back to his senses. Drew was standing up behind me and she obviously thought she was going to sneak up on me because the next thing I knew, Leo had pushed me in back of him and she had hit him in the arm. He winced, falling to the ground and my eyes widened. "THAT'S IT!" I screamed and I felt a tugging sensation in my stomach. Looking around, I saw a stream. Summoning all my power, I felt water swirling around me. Directing my focus to Drew, I thrust my hands at her and water drenched her. A few of the Hermes children stared at me. Admiration was in their eyes and they were in total awe. I heard hoof steps behind me, followed by human steps. I turned weakly and saw Percy and Chiron. "Percy..." I said weakly. He looked around. "You are definitely my little sister," He whispered, seeing the drenched ground. He crushed me in a hug and I coughed. "Leo.... He's.... Hurt..." I choked out. I almost jumped out of my skin as I saw Percy's eyes staring into mine. Percy nodded and walked over to Leo, feeding him ambrosia. I sat on a rock and closed my eyes. "This isn't over." Drew hissed in my ear. I met her gaze strongly. "Well, I would prepare for the next time we meet," I retorted quickly.

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