You Fool!

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The sound of running feet woke me up from my blissful nap. "GOAL!" Sakura and Ino screamed in unison. Choosing to ignore the scene playing out, I closed my eyes, that was until more screaming irked me awake. "Naruto! Don't glare at Sasuke!" Sakura screetched. 

"Just beat him up, Sasuke!" 

"Yeah! Yeah!"

"What? Really-? Oh! Sorry!" 

"Wha?" Sakura questioned. I opened my eyes and lifted up my head only to sigh. Sasuke and Naruto were kissing. Sakura let out a cry of outrage as I rolled my eyes at the boys and went back to sleep. Both boys held their throats, coughing and sputtering. "You jerk... I'll kill you Naruto!" Sasuke seethed. 

"My mouth is rotting...! Huh? I feel rage..."

"Naruto... You..." Sakura said in a deathly voice. I rubbed Sasuke's back, shaking my head. "It's alright. You'll see much worse later."

"Stop it..." He said, face red. "(Y/n), you don't get to touch Sasuke like that!" I glared at Ino, rolling my eyes with a sigh. "Uh-huh." 

Iruka entered the room, everyone immediately quieting down. "As of today, you all have become full fledged ninjas. However, you're still Genin. The tough part's still to come! From here on, you'll all be put in squads of three to carry out your missions under your Jonin teachers. But, to our dismay, one of the squads will be a group of four."

"A group of four? I wonder who's going to be grouped with Sasuke then." Ino said. 

"The groups have been determined so that the strength of the groups will be balanced. Now for your assignments!"

Time went by as each group was called. I waited patiently, hoping I would be in Sasuke's group. "Now then, Group Seven... Uzumaki Naruto! Haruno Sakura..." Naruto stood up from his seat, jumping with joy. "Hooray!" Sakura looked disappointed as she slumped down in her seat. "I'm with Naruto...?"

"...Uchiha (Y/n). And  Uchiha Sasuke!" This time it was Sakura jumping with joy and Naruto who looked disappointed. "Yay!" 

"I'm with... Sasuke?"

"Next is Group Eight. Hyūga Hinata! Inuzuka Kiba. And Aburame Shino." Looking to my right, Sakura held up a peace sign to Ino victoriously. 

"Group Ten. Yamanaka Ino. Nara Shikamaru. And Akimichi Choji. That's all for the group division." Iruka sensei announced.

"Iruka sensei! Why does an exceptional student like me have to be in the same group with this guy?!" Naruto demanded, pointing at said boy. "Sasuke is tied with (Y/n) for the best grades of the graduates. Naruto, you're at the bottom! Of course, this is how it is when trying to balance the strength within groups." Laughter reached my ears as Naruto's expression fell.

"Just don't get in my way, loser." Sasuke declared. "What did you just say?!" 

"You wanna fight, loser?" I sighed, pinching his cheek. "Stop picking fights, geez." Sasuke cast me a glance with a pout.

"In the afternoon, I'll introduce you to your Jonin teachers. You're dismissed until then!"

We all filed out, grabbing our belongings. Sasuke and I found an empty room, deciding to eat there. "I'm tired." I said, lying on the wooden floor. "You're always tired." I started eating my rice balls, unable to say anything. It was silent for a while, save for the occasional chirp of birds or the slight warm breeze. "You always embarrass me." Sasuke mumbled, breaking the silence. I exhaled through my nose, sitting up straight. "I suppose it's my job. I'm older than you by a few months."

"You're impossible." Just then, in a flash of orange and yellow, a certain blond tackled Sasuke, the rod holding the wooden window falling and snapping the window shut. "Jerk Naruto, it's you isn't it?" 

My Fatal Flaw || Naruto Fanfic x Hetalia Crossover (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now