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"Sasuke here at point B!"

"Sakura here at point C!"

"(Y/N) here at point D!"

"Naruto here. I'm at point A!"

"You're slow, Naruto." Sasuke muttered. I rolled my eyes, a light smile gracing my lips.

"Okay, the Seventh Squad--hm?! The target has moved! Follow it!" Kakashi Sensei ordered. Us Genin peeked behind the trees, searching for the runaway subject. "Alright! It's over there." Naruto declared. I followed where I assumed he would be, determined to find him.

"What's the distance from the target?" Kakashi Sensei inquired. "Five meters! I can go at anytime!" Naruto stated. "I'm ready too!" Sasuke added. "Same." I agreed. "Me too..!" I could practically feel the tension as we neared. "Alright... Do it!" Kakashi ordered.

Do it! Just do it! Just do it and make your dreams come true!

We jumped out from behind the trees. "Uryaaaaa! I got him!" Naruto exclaimed with a grin. "Does he have a ribbon on his right ear? Are you sure it's our target Tora?" I looked at the Uchiha, nodding. Sasuke let out a sigh. "It's the target, no mistake." The Uchiha said into his earpiece. I watched as Naruto wrestled with the cat, amost comically.

"Alright, the mission to capture lost pet 'Tora' is complete!"

"Isn't there a mission with a greater sense of urgency?!" screamed Naruto. There was a static noise, causing me to clutch my ear in pain. "You fucking idiot!" I retorted, slamming my hand on a tree. It shook, a few leaves falling from it. "Language."

"Ah, sorry Sensei."

We arrived back at the Hokage's office, a fat, old lady standing to the side. She noticed her cat, letting out a screech of joy. "Ohhhh! My cute Tora! I was worried to death!" I awkwardly stared at the scene, rubbing my hand over my arm.

"Serves him right, that stupid cat!" Naruto exclaimed. "No wonder he ran away..." Sakura mumbled with a frown.

"...Now then. The next misson for Kakashi's Seventh Squad is... An errand to the neighboring town... To baby-sit chief Councilor's boy... Helping with digging potatoes, eh..."

"Nooooooo!" Naruto protested, waving his arms around. "No! No thank you! As for me, I want to do like, a more exciting mission! Give us something else!" Naruto formed an 'x' with his arms, squinting his eyes angrily.

I tuned them out, beginning to play with my (h/l), silky hair.

"Listen to me!" I snapped out of my daze. "Requests pour into the village everyday. They range from..." I tuned him out again, already knowing the general gist of the topic. My yawn didn't go unnoticed by Kakashi Sensei, whom gave me a light slap on the head. I gave him a sheepish smile in return. Before the Hokage could finish, Naruto sat on the floor and started talking.

"Yesterday's lunch was pork bone broth noodles, so today's will be miso broth." THe Hokage glared from behind his desk. "Will you listen!" Kakashi exclaimed, slapping Naruto's head. He returned his attention to the Hokage. "I-I'm sorry." Naruto scowled in annoyance, unhappy with the treatment. "Maaaaan! You always lecture me Jii-chan. But I'm not that little prankster that you think I am! Humph!"

I tuned out the conversation for a minute until the Hokage began caving in. "If you insist..." He inhaled sharply. "I'll have you do a C-rank mission... You'll be bodyguards for someone."

"Aha! Who? Who? A Feudal Lord?! Or, a princess?!" I apologetically glanced at Naruto before crossing my arms. "Don't get so hasty. I'll introduce you now! Could you please come in...?" The door opened to reveal an old drunken man swaying on his feet. He took a swig of his sake as the rest of my team turned around. "What's this? It's just a bunch of darn squirts!" He drowned down another sip. "Huh?" Naruto questioned. "Naruto, shut up for a moment, will you?"

My Fatal Flaw || Naruto Fanfic x Hetalia Crossover (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now