All The Things He Said

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"I don't know about that..." Zabuza drawled. "It's over." Kakashi broke into a sprint, whipping out a kunai and twirling it on his finger before gripping it tightly. He stabbed at Zabuza, but instead of blood, water began flushing out if the wound, causing the clone to topple into a mere puddle. I squinted through the mist before realizing Zabuza was behind Kakashi. "Sensei, behind you!"


Zabuza swung his blade through Kakashi's middle. I thought he would be a goner, but I was wrong, for he, too materialized into water. Way to go, Kaka-baka. I shook my head at the deception. Perhaps this was just the way any person was anyway, stealing and leeching off one another even if it never looked like it.

Kakashi appeared behind Zabuza, placing his kunai to his neck. "Don't move. It's over." There was a deathly tone to Kakashi's voice as he narrowed his eyes. It impressed me, if I do say so myself. "W-wow!" Naruto exclaimed with a grin. Sakura giggled in relief while I sighed. Those two were celebrating an early victory, which could lead them to a fatal blow of they did that in battle. Sasuke and I glanced at each other. We knew it wasn't over, for if Zabuza were still breathing, then he would be a threat (or thot). "It's not over yet, you idiots." Sakura gave me a questioning glance. "What do you mean?" I sighed, again, for like, the fifth time today. "Battles aren't easily won over like that." Sasuke answered for me. "Look."

"But I must say, you're good. My Mizu Bunshin jutsu was being copied at that point..." I began surveying the area more closely for any signs of danger. If I remembered correctly, Haku would be here somewhere or appear soon.

"But... I'm not a fool." I looked towards the battle field to see a Mizu Bunshin morph into water. That Zabuza was a Mizu Bunshin too. "That one was a fake too!" Naruto realized. "No shit Sherlock." I sarcastically whispered.

Zabuza appeared again, the thick mist parting around his form. Kakashi took a swift duck as Zabuza's sword grazed a single hair from his head. Zabuza then impaled his sword in the moist dirt, enabling him to use it as leverage and get a good shot to Kakashi's gut. Kakashi flew back a few metres, landing with a loud 'thud'.

"His Taijutsu skills are also extremely good." Sasuke remarked. I nodded, biting my lower lip. "Sensei is quite the remarkable man, if I do say so myself. Perhaps we can learn a thing or two from him."

Kakashi was thrown back again, this time landing in the water. He splashed before resurfacing. Just as he was about to climb out, the water thickened like slime, slowing down his movements. "Kakashi-sensei, it's the Water Prison Jutsu!" I exclaimed. "Get out of there" Zabuza appeared behind said man, weaving hand signs. "Hump! Fool, it is too late.

"Water Prison Jutsu!"

A bubble made of water swallowed Sensei. "You're caught. It's a special prison that makes it impossible for you to escape! It makes things harder having you able to act. Now, Kakashi. I'll have to settle things with you later. First, I'll finish those guys off." He formed a handsign. "Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu."

A clone emerged from the water.

"You're acting big, wearing a headband like a Ninja... But...a real Ninja is one that has hovered between life and death numerous times. In other words, only those who are worth being in my bingo book deserve to be called Ninja. Guys like you can't be called real Ninja..." Around us, the mist thickened to the point where I couldn't make out five inches past my hand. Zabuza disappeared.

I heard a cry just in time to see Naruto disappear. Through the thick mist, I made out Naruto's sweater and the glint of his hitai-ate. Its gleam was nearly snuffed out by Zabuza's foot grinding it into the dirt."You're just a kid." I clenched my kunai harder than I meant to. "Naruto!" Sakura shouted.

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