Oh Geez

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"You're an embarrassment to our village." Gaara seethed. "Why else do you think we came to Konohagakure?" Beneath the tree that Gaara hung on, panic showed on Kankuro's face. "P-please listen to me Gaara! T-they lashed out first and--"

"Damare!" Gaara barked. "I'll kill you."

Kankuro shook in his shoes, droplets of sweat forming on his face. A deafening silence hung through the air as Gaara continued to glare at Kankuro. "U-understood, I was wrong." Kankuro added quickly. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry." The tension was so thick that you could hear a pin drop. Gaara turned his gaze over to my group. "I'm sorry about that..." he sincerely apologized.

Sand swirled around his form as he disappeared from, uh...hanging like a bat on the tree branch. He appeared in front of his siblings. "Let's go. We didn't come here to play around." Gaara firmly stated. "I know." Kankuro grumbled. I raised a brow, narrowing my eyes in irritation. "Hn." I grunted. The trio quickly made their way down the road and away from us. "Hold on!" called Sakura. The trio paused. "What is it?" Temari questioned with an annoyed glare.

"Judging from your headbands, you're Shinobi from the Sunagakure, right?" Sakura smartly questioned. "Without question, The Land of Fire and the Land of Wind are allied nations. But the arbitrary coming and going of Shinobi is supposed to be prohibited by the treaty." She stepped forward. "State your purpose!"

Sakura reached for her tool pouch on her thigh. "Depending on circumstances--" She was cut short. "Hmph! So this is what they mean by the darkest place being under the candlestick." Temari paused. "Don't you know anything about it?" Temari held up her ID, a smirk plastered on her face. "My permit! As you say, we're Sand Genin from the Land of Wind. We came to this village to take the Chunin Exams."

Naruto squinted his eyes. "Chunin Exams? What is the Chunin Exams anyways?" Naruto questioned again. "You really don't know anything, do you?" Temari asked, crossing her arms. I sighed. "Allow me to explain, Naruto. The Chunin Exams is like how you level Pokémon up from their state. You pass from Genin, to the next level--otherwise known as, Chunin--and basically evolve.

Naruto snapped his fingers. "Oh, I see! Then, maybe, I'll try taking them!" Naruto exclaimed, balling up his fists in determination. "Nii-chan, you seriously don't know what the Chunin Exams are?" Konohamaru implored skeptically."No, I totally knew! I was just...making sure."


Sasuke swooped out of the tree he was sitting on and landed in front of me like a badass. "Oi! You there, what's your name?"Temari turned around with the other two in a daze. "Huh? M-me?" she questioned with a slight blush. I snorted, causing Temari to glare at me. "No! The one with the gourd on his back." Sasuke said, pointing at the red head.

"I'm Gaara of the Desert..." He fully turned around to face us. "I have an interest in you as well. What is your name?" I closed my eyes, taking in a breath and letting out a sigh. He always gets the attention. "Uchiha Sasuke." I felt Gaara's gaze land on mine. "And you, what's your's?" I pointed at myself in disbelief. "Me?" 

"I don't see any other blondes."

I forced a laugh. Wasn't Temari a blond? "I'm Uchiha (Y/n)." Gaara raised a brow. "You don't look like an Uchiha." he commented.  I awkwardly avoided my gaze. "That's because I'm adopted..." There was a dramatic and awkward pause, the breeze blowing some leaves here and there. "Ano sa, ano sa! What about me? What about me?" Naruto shouted out, pointing to himself. Gaara barely took a look at Naruto before saying, "Not interested."

They turned their backs on us, jumping away into the day. I patted Naruto's back as he sulked. "Don't worry, your time to shine will be soon. Give it time."

My Fatal Flaw || Naruto Fanfic x Hetalia Crossover (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now