➩he cheats on you (part 2)

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the next morning I woke up not knowing where I was. so I went downstairs to find out.

"good morning love," louis said, automatically sending the message to my brain that I was at his house.

"morning," I smiled, walking into the kitchen, "what are you cooking?"

"chocolate chip pancakes, your favorite," he said, making me smile.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had 47 missed calls and 104 texts from harry, making me feel miserable inside.

I went to the couch and sat down, I decided to text harry.

Me: hey..

harry: baby, please forgive me.. i don't know what i was thinking, please just give me a second chance

Me: why? you cheated on me harry! and you cheated on me with taylor!

harry: it was an accident

Me: yeah, sure it was

harry: baby please, just give me a chance to explain myself

Me: okay, but you better have a good reason. i'm at louis' house

harry: okay baby, i love you, i really do

Me: i hope i can feel the same way too

"louis," I said, walking into the kitchen, "please don't get mad when i tell you this."

"what is it love?" he said, still making the pancakes.

"harry's coming over.." I said, making him drop the cooking utensil he was using and turn around.

"he's what?" louis said.

"he's coming over so he can explain on what he did.. i love him lou, i can't just let the love of my life suffer."

"you love him? (y/n), he cheated on you, with taylor! how could you forgive him for what he did to you?!" he yelled, making me wince.

"well unlike you, i learn to forgive people for their mistakes!!" I yelled before running upstairs to the guest room I slept in.

about 5 minutes later, harry texted me saying that he was here. I scurried down the stairs and waited for the knock.

after the first knock, I flung the door open to see a crying harry, making my heart sink and split into two.

"harry," I said, hugging him, receiving a hug back, "i missed you."

"you missed me? i thought you were mad at me," he half smiled, "i thought you didn't want me anymore.."

"don't you say that, if i didn't want you.. do you think i would give you a second chance?"

"no, and i'm glad you did, because i love you (y/n). you're the most amazing person i've ever met and i can't imagine my life without you," he kissed me, and I kissed him back.

"come in, come in," I said, taking his hand and walking into louis' house.

"well look who it is. the cheater," louis sneered, making me angry.

"don't you EVER call him that! i love him and you can't change that!" I yelled.

"he CHEATED on you (y/n)! how could you forget a man like that! you don't see me cheating on my girlfriends, do ya?!" he yelled, making me slap him across the face.

"let's go harry, i don't want to talk to him anymore," I said, taking harry's hand again and walking out of the house.

"i love you," he said.

"i love you too," I kissed him.

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