Chapter 1.

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"It was an accident, okay!?" Nero yelled at Dante as he slammed the door. Dante placed Rebellion, Ebony, and Ivory down and turned to face Nero, glaring at him. They went on a mission to clear out a real estate office that was crawling with Sin Scissors. People were hiding in the break room with the vending machines piled against the door, not knowing that the demons can phase through walls. Dante was supposed to kill the demons and Nero had to get everyone out of there alive. But there was a huge problem. It was bring your daughter to work day. So Nero had to get a bunch of adults and panicky little girls out of the building while they were on the third floor. One girl saw a Sin Scissor and panicked, screaming as she tried to run away with her and her baby sister. Nero, instead of trying to save the girls, tried to kill the demon instead. In that attempt, the demon was able to kill the girl and baby.

"Don't you think I feel bad about this?!" Nero screamed as Dante was about to talk. The teen stormed upstairs and Dante heard the door to his room slam shut. Dante shook his head and sighed. Nero should have tried to save the girls. His order was to get everyone to safety, not kill the demons, that was his job. Dante needed to think of some punishment that would make him learn. Suddenly Dante got a wicked idea. The perfect punishment. It would make him feel bad and embarrass the hell out of him. Dante grabbed his phone and called Trish, needing her to get some items.

Nero groaned as he woke up in the middle of the night. He looked out his window and saw it was raining. It was coming down hard. Maybe that was what woke him up. Nero got out of bed and left his room, heading for the kitchen. He noticed some bottles on the counter and was annoyed with them, Dante probably put them there as a reminder of the girl and baby he couldn't save. Nero threw them in the trash and grabbed a can of soda. He went back to his room, got dressed, and left the building, deciding to go for a nighttime walk.

Nero walked out the front door and immediately got a chill. He shivered as he walked, he brought a sweatshirt but now it was soaked. He didn't open his soda, hoping to find someone with a warm drink and trade with them. He could barely see through the rain. Suddenly everything went bright for a second, causing Nero to curse and say "Great, lightning." What made it worse was the loud thunder clap that was heard a moment later. Nero walked five more feet before yawning loudly, the cold making him lethargic. He went to the nearest building and leaned against it, deciding to sleep just like that. After an hour, which was only a few minutes to Nero, falling in and out of sleep making time go quickly for him, someone had grabbed Nero and carried him off somewhere.

Nero woke up to feeling completely soaked but also warm. He opened his eyes and saw he was in the bathtub in his and Dante's apartment. What made it horrible was that Trish was in the room, she smirked at Nero and said "I honestly thought you wouldn't wake up. You've been out for two and a half hours. I've had to warm up the water 5 times."
"Bloody hell!" Nero screamed and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist and immediately leaving the bathroom. He saw Dante leave his room and head straight towards him.
"What was with the swearing?" Dante asked, seeming kind of miffed. 
"I was soaking in the bath, but Trish was in there! I don't even remembering getting in the bath." Nero said, completely pissed off.
"I found you slumped against a Dunkin Donuts. Your skin was blue and you looked overly tired. So I brought you back here for a hot bath." Trish explained as she stepped into Nero's line of sight.
"Don't fucking do that again!" Nero snapped. At hearing Nero swear at Trish, Dante landed a hard swat to Nero's butt.

Nero was stunned for a second before going all out and slugging Dante in the face. Trish crossed her arm and said "Looks like someone needs a nap."
"I don't need a God damned bath!" Nero snapped at Trish and tried to storm off to his room. Dante grabbed Nero's arm and dragged him there, looking more pissed then miffed now. When Nero saw his room had been changed into a nursery, he yanked his arm free from Dante's vice like grip and snapped at him "What the hell did you do to my room? Finally gone crazy in your old age?!" Nero punched Dante in the stomach and pushed him so he fell into the rocking chair. Dante was now enraged. He got up and slapped Nero across the face, causing the teen to fall to the ground.

Nero lay on the ground, holding his cheek and hiding his face, not wanting them to see him cry. Dante gently picked him up bridal style, holding him comfortingly. Trish had her arms crossed and she glared before taking Nero from Dante, saying "We agreed we wouldn't hit him." She set the teen on the adult sized changing table and looked at Dante, pointing at the door. The older cambion sighed and left the room. Trish grabbed some lotion and started to gently massage it on Nero's red and swollen cheek. Once the lotion had been absorbed into the younger cambion's cheek, Trish kissed it.

Nero pulled away and said "What are you doing? And what happened to my room?"
"This your punishment, Dante thought it would be fitting considering who you got killed." Trish explained and tried to remove the towel around Nero's waist. The teen just gripped the towel tightly and said "It was an accident okay?!" Nero snapped. Trish gestured with her hand to be quiet and said "Calm down, you don't want Dante in here." Nero sighed and reluctantly allowed Trish to remove the towel. The blonde demon removed the towel and made Nero lay down. When she pulled a diaper out from underneath the changing table, Nero groaned loudly and said "I'm not wearing that."
"Sorry, but it's part of the punishment." Trish said and quickly put it on Nero. She then got him dressed into a panda onesie and put him in a baby blue four poster crib.
"I tried to make the room nice, so the punishment won't be so bad." Trish said as she tucked Nero in and put the side of the crib up. She turned the lights off and left the room, closing the door.

Nero sighed in anger and kicked the crib, he can't believe this crap. He sat up and tried to lower the side but couldn't do it for some reason.
"Damn it. How hard can it be lower the damn side. Very hard, apparently." The young cambion muttered to himself. He laid down and looked up at the ceiling, even more pissed when he saw glow in the dark stickers on it. Now the ceiling looked like a neon green galaxy.
"Perfect!" Nero said bitterly. The teen couldn't help the tired feeling he was getting. The mattress was very soft and the pillow felt like it was stuffed with feathers but it didn't squish down or flatten, it had some resistance. The blanket was fleece but it was so soft and it felt very smooth, almost like... no, better than silk. The young cambion closed his eyes and reluctantly allowed himself to fall asleep. 

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