Chapter 5.

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Dante awoke with a start when the car came to a sudden, screeching halt. Nero woke with a start and just in time to hear Trish shout "Bastard!" Nero started freaking out a bit and began to start gasping, starting to have trouble breathing. Dante quickly searched through his pockets to find the teen's inhaler but he realized the doctor didn't give it to him. Dante was about to shout in rage but Trish immediately revealed the inhaler and said: "I have it, the doctor gave it to me." She quickly handed it to Nero, who immediately used it. When Nero's breathing went back to relative normality, Trish said: "Sorry, sweetie, someone just cut me off, we're okay." Nero muttered something and laid his head down on the seat, too tired to bother.

Trish was about to start driving again but quickly said "Oh, Nero, here." she reached into the back seat and gave Nero one of the McDonald's bags. The teen took it and quietly thanked the blonde demon. He reached into the bag and pulled out a burger, smiling lightly. He was pretty hungry like Dante predicted so he unwrapped the burger and took a bite. When he swallowed he started choking and gripped his chest. Trish turned around once to look at the teen but turned her attention back to the road so nothing bad happens. Though when Dante turned his head around he kept his attention on the teen, asking "Are you okay?" Nero nodded and said, "It hurts to swallow..." 
"Try taking smaller bites," Dante said, Nero nodded but didn't take another bite, instead he wrapped it back up and set it beside him. Dante frowned but turned his attention to the road.

Once they got home, Nero got out by himself and started walking and limping quickly to the door to the shop. Dante saw this and immediately got out, running to his nephew and grabbing his arm, saying "After everything that happened do you really think you can walk like that on your own?" Nero was trying to control his panting but said: "I'm fine."
"Oh, your so believable," Dante said sarcastically, causing Nero to elbow him roughly in the stomach. Dante groaned and let go of the teen, wanting to hit him. That thought was immediately taken out of his head as he started thinking 'Broken rib cage, significant damage to heart and lungs, trouble to breathe and hurts to do so, can barely walk on his own, needs to use an inhaler for the rest of his life. I did this to him, I'm not gonna hit him.' Dante immediately calmed down and said, "If you don't listen to the doctor and take it easy you could wind up in the hospital again and you may not return home." Nero hid the tears forming in his eyes and tried to walk again.

Dante sighed, knowing he crossed the line again. He closed the small distance between them and put his arm around his nephew and said: "Here, use your inhaler and let me help you." Nero tried to groan but wasn't able to manage, so instead, he complied and used his inhaler and allowed Dante to help him. Trish slowly got out of the car and watched the two, they seem to be okay. Dante didn't strike Nero even though he elbowed him roughly in the stomach and Nero is allowing Dante to help him even though he hates accepting help. She still felt like she should stay with them, feeling that Dante will hurt the teen again and if he does then he'll most likely kill him since Nero can't take much more damage.

Trish grabbed the drink tray and the bags and quickly walked over, entering the shop with them. They walked over to the stairs, which Nero stopped in front of, knowing he wouldn't survive a trip up them. Whatever, the teen thought, dying is better than resuming the awful punishment when he gets up there. He was about to take a step but Dante quickly picked him up, carrying him up the stairs.
"I can walk, damn it," Nero said weakly, the trip from the street to inside too much for him to handle yet.
"Yes, you can walk, but not upstairs," Dante said and got a firm hold on his nephew.

Once upstairs and in the apartment, Trish walked into the kitchen and put the bags in the fridge and set the drink tray on the table. She grabbed a large cup of white hot chocolate from it and gave it to Nero, saying "Here you go, it's white hot chocolate." The teen smiled and accepted the cup, saying "Thanks." he took a sip and enjoyed the sweetness. The liquid was warm now, which was good because if it was hot it would cause Nero more pain. The elder cambion set the younger cambion in his high chair and said: "I'll make you something that's easy to for you to get down." Nero just put his head on the highchair tray, fatigue suddenly washing over him. The teens face twisted in pain, the morphine wearing off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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