Tshaesre (Amanda's POV)

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"I think we should take a break." Says Charlotte.

Please don't mean what I think you mean

"Just a short one. I think you're too stressed from college to have to worry about a girl as unstable as me."

"Charlotte, please. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. Please don't do this." I choke out, "On the contrary, you're the only reason why I haven't gone insane. My college is very heteronormative. You're the only person I can be myself around, and I love you."

Tear start running down Charlotte's face. "You don't know anything about me. I come from a christian family – did it ever occur to you that I might have been homophobic once? Maybe I'm still homophobic!"

"Please, Charlotte!"

"No! I'm taking a break whether you like it or not!" She yells at me.

"If I've done something wrong, goddamnit, tell me!"

"Don't. Say. Goddamnit."

I snap.

"Goddamnit, goddamnit, goddamn-"

"You bitch!"

She leaves and slams the door.

After I cool down, I'm torn. On one hand, that was uncalled for. On the other hand, yeah, I'm pretty mad. I'm mad because I helped her and now she's leaving on the basis of my college life. I look towards her room, half of it still littered with big cardboard boxes and garbage bags full of her possessions. I walk in, unsure of what I'm going to do, when a folder catches my eye.

Charlotte Negav – Therapy Record

I shouldn't, but I'm still mad and quite curious.

3rd of September - attempted suicide through pill overdose and drowning in a bowl of holy water. Reason given: Developed homosexual crush and wanted to die before she could sin any more.

Therapy record prior to suicide attempt: None

Diagnosis: Severe depression

Action taken: 1 month in mental health ward, antidepressants, regular therapy.

9th of December – Patient is expreriencing a strong dilemma between religion and sexuality. Insists that all information regarding her sexuality be withheld from her family.

Anti-depressants causing weight gain and irregular menestrual cycles – new medication prescribed.

I shut the book. This isn't for my eyes to see.

Charlotte needs time and space. I sigh. Maybe she's right – who would want to date a girl who snoops around other people's therapy records?

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