[Dreaming Of The Past] oo4

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80 Years Ago…

"What do you mean I have to go?!"

"Cause that's what I said, Akane! You are required to come!"

"But, Nee-san~! So, does Katsuo have to go too?" my younger self whined.

My sister, Yoruichi, sighed dramatically and ruffled her short purple hair. "Yes, Akane-chan! All three of us are required to go by the elders of the family!"

I groaned annoyed and pulled on my wavy, shoulder length, white hair in frustration. "Now I have to sit in a boring room with a bunch of old geezers to hear their boring talk about god knows what and for how long! This just ruined my plans for the day completely…"

Yoruichi groaned as well. "I know how you feel, Akane-chan. I don’t want to go as much as you do. Now, how about I help you get ready? We have to be going shortly."

The maids had helped her into this fancy looking kimono. We were required to wear these seeing as we were noble, but not only that, we needed to look presentable and prepared in front of the elders. It was so annoying having to dress up like this.

Her hair was pulled up with one of these gold hair ornaments we were supposed to wear and let her bangs fall around her face. Yoruichi's kimono was long and flowing and it dragged against the floor. It was red and decorated with yellow flower petals, and the obi was also gold. She then slipped her sock covered feet into some black flats.

Yoruichi smiled at me and I still frowned. She turned to the maids and gave them a smile, giving them a secret look of saying they could leave. The maids smiled and nodded, promptly leaving the room.

"Okay then Akane-chan, time to go get dressed!" she told me as she led me to my room.

When we got there I sat on a chair and she went to my closet and slid it open and walked in.

As Yoruichi ventured into the walk-in closet, I sighed. Physically, I looked the age of a 5 year old, human toddler, and because of the slow aging in the Soul Society my looks and actual age played a big difference. According to Soul Society ages, I was 65. Mentally, on occasions, my mind did not operate like a normal 5 year old, but a that of a preteen and the older I get, the more my mental age broadens. I guess that's what happens when I have a brain of a prodigy, as my sister calls it. Prodigy aside, I was still a young girl and I loved the things children liked to do. 

I loved coloring, except I was one toddler that could stay in the lines. I loved reading, except I could read large, advanced books of the history of the Soul Society and understand the complex words and explanations given in texts. I loved running around and chasing animals, except I was graceful and my reflects were that of an advanced Soul Reaper. I loved playing games, except the games I played were Shogi and Go, tactical board games that normal 5 year olds would not be able to understand. With all those excepts aside, I smiled, laughed, loved, cried, whined, got scared, and hurt like a normal child.

"Hmm, lets see…what color are you in the mood for today? How about lavender? Or maybe this pink one here…" 

Yoruichi's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I pouted as I kicked my feet back and forth on the chair. "It doesn’t really matter Yoruichi… just pick a color I didn’t wear the last time."

I heard some clanking and shuffling going on until I heard an, "Aha! I found the perfect one for you to wear Akane-chan!" 

Yoruichi appeared with a kimono in her arms and gestured for me to stand and started to dress me up. I looked in the mirror to see it was pure white with the obi being a turquoise color along with the turquoise flowers around the bottom of the kimono and around my chest area and around the sleeves of it.

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