[Akane's Nightmare, Her Faded Star] oo9

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Several years have passed and nothing has really changed. It was summer and it was fairly warm, and I bet Toshiro is thanking the Gods right now for not having it blazingly, scorching hot out.

The Captain has been put on bed rest by Captain Unohana because he hasn’t been feeling his best lately, and this means the paperwork has been hectic to finish even if it is divided up between Kaien and I.

I was currently doing paperwork actually, and I was getting tired of seeing these same walls after hours on end so I let out a groan and turned to Kaien who was still intently focused on his stack of paperwork.

"Kaiennnn," I whined to get his attention and he looked up in response. "Can we please go get some fresh air? I'm so bored! Besides, I heard Rukia has been down lately and I wanna cheer her up!"

He let out an annoyed sigh and stood up. "Fine! But only for a little while then we need to get back to work."

"Yes! Lets hurry! Let's bring some water canteens just in case she's thirsty!" I cheered as I ran out the office doors and to the Divisions kitchen to grab some water canteens.

I was quick about it because I was just excited to get out of the office for a little while. I met Kaien back at the office doors who waited patiently for me, and then we made out journey to the Divisions gardens and training field.

In the distance we seen Rukia sitting by the water bank, just staring out into space.

Kaien snuck up behind her and bent over her so his face was in her view. "Ahhh, not the long face again! Now what?!"

Startled by Kaien's sudden appearance, she flinched back and bumped into his legs that were directly behind her.

"And why is it that you practically jump out of your skin whenever you see me?!" he teased, keeping that scowl on his face. "You're hurting my feelingsss~!"

He pushed the water canteen towards her. "Anyway I brought this for you so drink up!"

She took the canteen and nodded in thanks. I plopped myself down beside her and gave her a grin. "Hey, Rukia!"

"Hello, Akane-chan," she gave a meek smile.

Kaien sat himself on the other side of Rukia, to the right of her. It was silent as we drank from our canteens but I decided to speak up first.

"Knowing you, you probably wont tell us anything, but I have to ask, what's got you so depressed, Rukia?"

She seemed shocked by my question. I bumped her shoulder and gave her a smile. I had a small hunch it was about Byakuya - the damn coldhearted bastard doesn’t even act like a brother to Rukia and it irks me to no end. And don't even get me started on the Squad giving Rukia the cold-shoulder just because she was adopted into the Kuchiki clan - and they figure every Kuchiki is the same - rich, stuck-up, cold, cocky, arrogant. Rukia was none of those things though. 

"Just remember this," Kaien started and we both turned to him. "As long as you're apart of this squad, Rukia, we will stand by you even if it costs us our lives."

I let out a smile. Kaien was being so cheesy right now, but I know he meant every word he said. Us Lieutenants were supposed to protect our Captains and our squad, seated officers or not.



Startled by the outbursts, Kaien spat out the water in his mouth, Rukia practically jumped out of her skin, and I rounded on the two suspects with a heated glare.

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