[Drinking Night!] oo5

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I opened my eyes for the second time that day to see the same white ceiling as before, but this time instead of the color orange I saw earlier, it was now a soft, purplish pink. I sighed and sat up and looked out the window, and I finally remembered my dream.

"Gahh, what a dream. Never thought I'd dream about that day." I muttered to myself, holding a hand to my head. I smiled nonetheless.

"Although, it was very refreshing to look back on the good ol' days."

"So, you finally woke up, took you long enough, Akane."

I shrieked at the sudden voice and backed towards the windowsill in shock. I clutched a hand to my rapidly beating heart and finally got a good look at my surprise attacker. Scowling face and the turquoise eyes stared back at me, like in my dream.

"Toshiro! Don't do that! I thought I was going to have a heart attack, you idiot!"

He scoffed and crossed his arms as I took my place back on my bed and cross-legged. "An idiot huh? So that's the kind of greeting I get when I save an injured friend? I should have just left you for death out in the cold instead of wasting my time bringing you here!"

I huffed at him and crossed my arms. "You couldn’t do that to me, Toshiro, and you know it!" 

He grunted in response and then it got silent until he spoke up once more. "I see you've returned to normal," his voice was nostalgic and his eyes held an emotion I couldn’t pick out. 

He picked up a trundle of long, white hair and twirled it around his finger, a soft look on his face. I noticed how un-Toshiro he was being but brushed it off and didn’t say anything, who knows when the next time I'd get to see it was. So, I basked in the this rare moment.

I smiled cheekily and replied, "I know right? Isn't it great that it's finally back, Toshiro?"

"Not really, since I have to look like you again," He snorted and unfurled the hair around his finger and let the white locks fall back to my side. An angry vein throbbed on my forehead.

"Oh? Is that so? You've got some nerve! You haven't changed a bit since we first met,"

"You mean you just now noticed? Show's you have observant you are, makes me wonder how you ever became a Lieutenant," He shot back with a mocking smirk.

I rolled my eyes at his joking jibe to my ranking and brought up both back on task.

"So, what are you doing here, Toshiro-kun?" I gave him a questioning look and he scrunched his face up in anger.

"That's Captain Hitsugaya to you!" 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Toshiro!"

He grinded his teeth together in hopes of trying to calm himself down. "I told you that I came to see how you're doing, Akane. Seeing as in you're making rude comments and is sitting up and thrashing around, you're doing just fine."

I rolled my eyes at him and I pouted. "Well, I actually thought you would have mountains of paperwork to do, considering Rangiku-chan never does any of hers,"

I seen him roll his eyes at her name, already getting angry. "I actually thought the same thing too, but miraculously I got them done. Of course, there will be more by tomorrow."

I seen him give a weary sigh, already dreading for tomorrow to come. I smiled sympathetically at his misery. "Poor, Toshiro, he always gets the short end of the stick." I laughed at the thought. 

No pun intended…

I turned back to look out the window once more, it was way past seven and I assumed the party at the 11th has already took place. Toshiro got up from his seat and headed toward the door to flick on the light switch. Light enveloped the room and Toshiro returned to his seat.

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