Chapter 5

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Luke's P.O.V.

"So you made dinner tonight?" Mr. Lough asked,

"Erm yeah" I was sat between him and Minnie across from Melody,

"How'd you learn to cook like this son?"

"Me mum taught me" I scooped some potatoes onto my fork and ate a bite making all the flavors explode in my mouth at once,

"Listen girls im leaving for work in a couple days and I won't be back for about a week, Luke is in charge and if you need anything call me" Minnie sighed next to me. I looked over and her arm is casually resting in her lap with her wrist towards me. I reach over and run my finger along fresh cut marks and she looks at me with the deadliest look I've ever seen. She shoves my hand away with her other one and stands up,

"Im finished" she says as she leaves the dining room leaving and awkward silence.

"I think i'll go talk to her" I said leaving my plate and following her all the way up to her room.

"Minnie are you ok?" she looked at me,

"Just leave me alone ok?" she attempted to close her door but I put my foot in the way.

"Hey don't we need to talk about this" I shoved my way into her room and closed the door behind me,

"Get out!" she shoved me and I grabbed her hand,

"You don't have to do this to yourself" she yanked her hand away and looked like she was about to cry.

"Get , out" she said with a choked off ending.

"No, not until you tell me why you did this" She sighed and sat on her bed,

"I don't know"

"Stop lying to me or i'll....i'll bend you over my knee and give you a whooping" she laughed and I sat next to her.

"Seriously though" I took her hand and turned it over laying it on my lap and running my fingers over the cuts again.

"You'll make fun of me"

"I would never" she sighed,

"I thought you weren't serious about the things you said and you were just mocking me and I got upset"

"I was very serious about everything I said. You're beautiful" she looked up at me,

"No im not"

"Whatever" I said throwing her hand down making her laugh.

"I would never lie to a girl about her looks" I put my hand under her chin and turned her head,

"Especially you" I said quietly sealing the deal with a kiss.

Minnie's P.O.V.

His kiss felt so warm and magical making my lips feel hot an numb. When he pulled away I felt the cold between our lips and I ached for another kiss.

"If you feel upset again just come to me ok? Don't harm your pretty skin" he said rubbing my arm. I opened my eyes and he was smiling. He leaned in again and gave me what I wanted another warm kiss. He pulled away,

"How come you aren't dating any of those boys?" I smiled,

"How do you know Im not"

"Because you don't act like it"

"They've been my friends forever and Harry's gay"

"Who's Harry?"

"He's my gay friend dating my other friend Louis, they're quite cute actually"

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