Chapter 2

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"Smells good" Melody said bringing me out of my thought wonderland.

"Thanks" she sat next to me and put her chin on her hand with her elbow propped up on the counter,

"You think the babysitter will be cute?" I furrowed my eyebrows,

"No" she smiled like she was off in a daze,

"Not even a little bit?"

"No melody and I don't believe your old enough to think about him being cute anyways" she laughed and I got up and put my cup in the sink. I bent down and took a pot out of the cabinet filling it with water to boil for the macaroni,

"He would be like your age right?"

"I don't know Mel please don't bother me about him, he's not here for me anyways he's here for you and Abi" I lied dumping the contents of the box into the water,

"That is not what dad said" she argued putting emphasis on the 'not',

"I don't care what he says" I stirred the hard noodles and she sighed,

"When is he supposed to be here?"

"Seven A.M. tomorrow so you better go like do your hair and make-up" I said mocking her with a preppy type voice,

"Haha very funny" she flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned to look at the back yard,

"Is he staying in the guest house?"

"I don't know" I said with a bit of an agitated tone. She walked up to the cabinets and took out four plates and shuffled through the silver ware drawer for forks and knives to set the table with,

"Set the little table" We have two dining rooms, one of which has a pointless table that's the size of a bus for 'social gatherings' and 'work' as my dad puts it. She nodded and disappeared into the dining room right off the kitchen.


"This is lovely chicken Minnie" My father said shoving some more in his mouth.

"Yeah it tastes like moms chicken" Abi chimed in making me smile.

"Thanks Abi" She shoveled some macaroni onto her fork and ate it dropping some on her uniform skirt from school,

"Abigail, I've told you many times not to eat in your uniform and that is specifically the reason why" My dad said wiping his mouth with his napkin and setting back in his lap,

"Why do you have to eat like a baby"

"She's 7 dad" I stated setting my fork down.

"She isn't a baby Minnie, she needs to learn to eat like a civilized person"

"Maybe if someone would have taught her then she would" he sighed and sat his fork down standing up,

"I do not have to sit here and listen to you, I am your father and if you can't treat me with respect then I am not listening to you"

"Respect is a two way street, give it, get it"

"MINNIE DON'T ARGUE WITH ME" he yelled slamming his napkin down on the table making everyone jump. I didn't say anything and he took his plate with him as he left the room.

"I'm sorry minnie" Abi said with a tear rolling down her cheek,

"It's not your fault Abi don't cry, come here" she got up and came to sit on my lap to cry on my shoulder. I looked at Melody and she hasn't said a word all dinner,

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