Chapter 3

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Luke's P.O.V.

"I am terribly sorry for her disobedience, your first task is taking the other girls to school." the rather grey pudgy man explained,

"Nah it's alright I get it, shes just a teenager"

"I think I have the keys to the silver Porsche right out front there" he said patting his pockets then reaching into his jacket and taking out the keys,

"Ah, here you are sir" he handed me the keys and I had a rather hard time not drooling over them.

"Uh luke? Are you taking us to school or what?" I realized I was starring at the keys when Abi spoke,

"Oh yeah sorry" I opened the front door for them and they went and got in the car like it was just a play thing. I followed them and stopped running my hand over the newly washed door,

"Ssss damn, so smooth" I opened the door and got in admiring the brand new interior,

"Is this a new car?"

"Not really we've had it for about a year"

"Thats pretty new"

"Nah" Melody said turning up the radio and buckling her seat belt.

"Why doesn't your dad take you to school?" I said backing out of the driveway,

"He has work that needs to be done"

"Right" I put it in drive and started down the road to their school.


When I got back to the house I walked to his office and knocked on the door,

"Come in!" he yelled with a deep voice that rang,

"Sir here's your keys" I held them out but he held up his hand,

"No just keep them, you'll have a bit of running to do now and then" I raised my eye brows not quite believing what just happened,

"Excuse me?"

"Just keep the keys boy, haven't you ever seen a car like that before?"

"No sir" he laughed and his rather large stomach shook a little, like santa clause,

"Where are you from boy?"

"Australia sir"

"I thought you had a small accent, well these cars are very expensive so take care of her got it?"

"Yes sir" I said with an enthusiastic nod,

"You'll be staying in the guest house" he paused and searched his pockets again,

"Here are the keys for that as well" he dropped another key in my hand.

"Thank you sir" I gave a quick nod and left to get my bag from the front entry way. I walked across the house to get to the back yard and it was beautiful. Lush perfect green grass with a huge pool and a guest house the size of my normal house back home.

I unlocked the door and closed it behind me as I stepped in completely awed.

"Holy shit" It was so clean and nice. I walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinets and there was tons of food,

"Damn no Vegemite" I said moving a couple boxes. I brought my bag down the hall with me into a neat little room with a full sized bed tucked away in the corner. I sat it down at the end of the bed and plopped down starring at the ceiling.

Nice place, nice people. All except that Minnie girl, I don't know what got her panties in a wad. I mean she is pretty cute, short, has a nice sarcastic attitude, pretty green eyes.

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