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Yoongi fluttered his eyes open when he heard his phone rang. He let out a groan and stretched his right arm, grabbing his vibrating phone on the bedside table. Still feeling sleepy, he absentmindedly tapped the answer button without even looking at the caller id and put it against his ear.

[Hello?! At last! You finally answered the goddamn phone!]

The person from the other line shouted.

Ugh. Kyungsoo.

Upon knowing that it's just his best friend, he made no move to answer back and instead let his heavy eyelids fell. He's still feeling so sleepy, he doesn't care, he's tired so he just let Kyungsoo blabber about something he doesn't even bother to understand.

[Hey! You still there?}


[What the-?! Hey! I'm talking to you! Don't even try to sleep on me, you smurf!]

Yoongi moved his phone away from his ear from Kyungsoo's sudden outburst and opened his sleepy eyes again. Irritated, he shifted into a more comfortable position while mumbling the words 'we share the same height'. 

Luckily, Kyungsoo didn't hear it or else he'll be having his best friend's bullying as a breakfast and he doesn't want that.

"Argh! It's still so early in the morning! What do you want?!" The younger shouted back, letting out a yawn while rubbing his sleepy eyes. 

He's not really a morning person.

[Early my ass! It's already 10 in the morning!]

After hearing that, his small and sleepy eyes immediately turned wide. Making him look at the bedside table, seeing the digital clock flashing red numbers and letters of 10:07 am. He abruptly stood up to get out of the bed but such a lucky man he is and fell on the floor butt first, making a loud sound on the other line.

"Ow! F*ck!" Yoongi groaned in pain while still holding the phone against his ear.

[F*ck you too!]

"What the- I fell from the bed, you dumbo!" The younger man shouted back and walked towards the bathroom. Phone squeezed between his right ear and shoulder while his hand is holding a towel and other hand massaging his precious butt.

Suddenly he heard a devilish laugh coming from the other line.

What a good friend he has.

But that laugh was replaced by an angry voice again. Really, his best friend is such a bipolar sometimes.

[HAHAHA- Wait- did you just call me dumb?!]

Tch, is he a girl experiencing a monthly period or what? He's so hot-headed.

"Ugh. You know what, I'm gonna hang up. I still have somewhere to go." Yoongi voiced out, a lot calmer now and grabbed his toothbrush then he put a right amount of toothpaste.

[And where are you going?] The older asked, sounding calmer now. His best friend is really weird. One time he's angry then now he sound like worried mom.

"None of your business."

[Tsk. I called you because I have something to say.]

"Go on." He mumbled and spit the white substance in his mouth on the sink.

[We have an appointment with Dr. Min and you have to come. Or else-]

"Or else what?" He scoffed. "You can't do that to me anymore, hyung." Hearing his father's name made him want to vomit. He hated his father's guts. He doesn't even want to see his face.

After what he did.

[Yoongi, you need to go and see h-]

"You know I don't want to have anything to do with him. So please Kyungsoo-hyung, stop it."

He heard a sigh from the other and he can even imagine Kyungsoo rubbing his temple. He knows him well enough to know what would be his reaction just from a single sigh. Besides, he had been nagging him with the same reason for a while.

[But Yoongi-]

"I'm hanging up. Thanks for waking me up." The younger said his last words and removed the phone from his ear. Still standing in front of the sink, he saw his reflection in the mirror, seeing his salty face.

Still handsome. He whispered to himself while rubbing his chin and making some poses like he's having a photo shoot inside his bathroom.

He stopped admiring himself when he remembered why he's going to take a bath. His lips turned into a sweet smile when the image of the most beautiful girl he love flashed in his mind. Wait for me my love, Eunha.


After minutes of preparing, Yoongi is finally finished. Humming, he strolled towards the mirror wearing a white shirt, black jeans and a blue sneakers. "Looking handsome as ever." He said to himself with a wide smile plastered on his face, admiring his 'oh so handsome face' and 'gorgeous body'.

He tapped the pocket of his jeans, checking if his phone and wallet is there. Then grabbed the paper bag resting on his bed. When he's sure that he didn't forget anything, he again looked at the mirror for one last time and made a v-sign before he went back to his bedside table to grab his keys then he strolled to his bedroom door with a huge smile adorning his face.

With a small smile on his lips, he hopped inside his car putting the paper bag in the passenger's seat and started to drove to Eunha's dorm. She's still studying as a college student in a well-known university that's why she's currently living in a dorm with her roommate which named - he doesn't really remember her name. All she know is that when she visits Eunha, her roommate will always look at him with a cold face. As far as he knows, Eunha's roommate is a dancer because his girlfriend always talked about how her dancing is really good, sometimes he even got jealous because he can also dance. Well, not really good but at least he can dance. And one more thing, he can rap.

He came to a halt when he saw the traffic light turned red. Using his right hand, he fished out his phone from his pocket and tapped the screen twice. They're picture together flashed on the screen and a wide smile formed on his lips until his eyes turned into crescents and nowhere to be seen. With his left hand still on the steering wheel and traffic light still red, he tapped the sms button and started to type a message to Eunha.

To: Baby Eunha-yah

Good morning sunshine! 😄 Happy 
anniversary! I'm driving to your dorm, 
please wait for me. I love you 😘❤

Good morning too, babe! Happy
Anniversary! 😉 And, don't  text while
you're driving. 😣 Keep safe and I love
you, too! <3😚

Hehe. 😊 I just missed you that's 
all! And I can't wait to see you! 💞

You're too sweet! 😝 And me too,
I can't wait to see you also. 🤗
Drive safely! Muah! 😘

Alright. Alright. I love you! 😘💞

I love you too! 💕

Slowly, a smile spreads on his lips and he squealed like a teenager that was noticed by his crush. The light finally turned green so he put his phone back to his pocket and started driving again.

At last, he will see the love of his life again. 

But the weird feeling inside his chest somewhat says that he shouldn't be so happy. It bothers him like crazy but he just brushed it off and focus on the road instead.

To be continued.

The Man Who Can't Be Moved [EunGi FF]Where stories live. Discover now