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"Is he gonna be okay?"

"Of course he will be. He's just a little tired but he'll be okay. He just needs to rest and have a good amount of sleep."

Yoongi stirred in his sleep when he heard people talking.

"Okay. Thank you, doctor."

"You're welcome. I'm going now."

When he opened his eyes, what welcomed him is a white ceiling and a bright light casting on his eyes. He blinked a couple of times before his eyes was finally adjusting to the light.

He was laying on a bed then he scan his eyes around the room and saw his left arm connected to an IV bag. He then came to a conclusion that he's in a hospital. He moved his gaze onto his right and there he saw his best friend sitting on a couch and staring somewhere. He tried to catch his attention by calling him.

"Hyung." He voiced out, sounding hoarse because he's asleep for a while and his throat had dried.

He saw Kyungsoo immediately looked at this direction the stood up to make steps towards him.

"Oh my god. You're awake! How are you? Do you need water?"

"Yes, please." With that, Kyungsoo helped him sit up then gave the glass of water to him, guiding him in drinking. After that he muttered a small 'thanks' and Kyungsoo just offered him a small smile.

"Hyung, what happened? Why am I in a hospital?"

"You don't remember what happened earlier?" His best friend asked him back. Then as if on cue, events from earlier flashed on his mind.

"Suga, what date it is today?"

"Okay. Chill man. It's the 27th of May. Why?"

"Yoongi, you need to wake up. Can't you see? The date today is May 27, 2019! Not 2017! That was two years ago."

"Eunha's dead."

"Today is not your 2nd anniversary but her 2nd death anniversary."

"Wake up, Yoongi! You're girlfriend's dead! She died 2 years ago? Can't you get it? You're just hallucinating!"

"Stop fucking lying to me!"

"You can't call her right? That's because her number is no longer existing."

 "And Eunha is also no longer existing."



"Hey, Yoongi!"

His train of thoughts came to a halt when he felt a hand shaking his shoulders. He look at the person doing it and he saw Kyungsoo, with a swollen cheek like someone punched him.

"Hey, are you okay?" 

And it was himself who punched his best friend.

With shaking hands he tried to get out on the bed. "I-I need to go. Please, let me go."

"You can't! You still need to rest." Kyungsoo told him, stopping him from doing anything.

"H-hyung, I need to see her. Eunha needs me right now." He voiced out then tried to removed the IV chord connected to his arm.

Kyungsoo heaved a sigh before he reached for his hand and hold it. Trying to stop Yoongi from removing the chord. "Stop. She's already dead, Yoongi."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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