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Hiii so before I start to write I wanna tell all of you that I am literally falling apart because everything that could go wrong did plus the things that shouldn't have. So updates won't be often. sorry I'm sure this will be another backfire though. :|

Xx Anna

Here I stand in front of the boys that saved me from actually going insane. The 5 boys that kept me mentally away from my mom. I want to just break down and fall apart crying, I finally met my idols, my heroes, my safety. So I did. I cried and cried.

Liam looked at me in a way of pure concern "Are you okay?"

I shake my head "I just can't believe I'm in the same room and sharing the same air with my 5 heroes. They never knew till now that that's what I call them, but everyday since I've heard of them I dreamt of this very moment, I breathed for this very hour. I pray that you boys don't think I am totally bonkers after saying that. I just want to say thank you so much for being there for me when I was alone. Nothing could repay you guys for what you've done for me."

Niall whispers as though if he speaks any louder he'll break something "Your support from everyday is enough to repay."

I started to cry again, his voice was just a million times sexier in person. They encircled around me and somehow ended up in a big group hug. It was warm and I felt even more safe, but I knew one day that this all would be over and I'd have to go back. I knew that I couldn't get too close to this safe feeling or else I'd get hurt.

When we finally pulled away from each other Zayn went to call for pizza, Liam, Louis, and Harry all went to the TV. Leaving me alone staring into Niall's amazing eyes. "Lil?"

I shake my head "What were you saying something? I'm sorry."

He laughs his adorable laugh making me want to die inside. "Lil I was saying do you mind if I call you Lil?"

I laugh just to show joy "I haven't said anything about you calling me that yet. Um Niall?"

"Yes Lil?"

"Is there somewhere ehh a little more private we can talk?"

He scrunches his face "Yeah, why?"

"Just I need to talk to you it's crucial that I tell you soon."

"We haven't even known each other for 20 minutes and you already have to talk to me in private?"

"Yes." I said determined to show him the video. He takes my hand and butterflies explode in my body. Not just my stomach like most people they swarmed throughout my whole body. Niall pulled me into a room. I turn my back to him and look at my camera.

Is this the right thing to do? What if Niall hates me after this? What if Zoey vows revenge to makes my life beyond awful. Should I show Niall this video proving that his girlfriend is cheating on him?

Like I said updates won't be often for a little while. Sorry

Feedback in the comments

Thanks :)

Xx Anna

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