The Guy That I Fell In Love With

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3:00 pm

Vixy: Chichi, can I borrow your cologne?
Chichi: Here *hands her the cologne*
Vixy: Thanks
Chichi: So, where's your cousin?
Vixy: He'll be here in any moment
Vixy: *gets her cellphone* *answers the phone call* Hello?
Fredrick: Vixy! I'm right in front of your bestfriend's house
Vixy: Okay, we'll be down in a second. *call abort* Come on, Chichi. He's downstairs
Chichi: Okay

Vixy: *slightly opens the door*
Chichi: Oh I almost forgot my cellphone. Be right back
Vixy: Okay
Chichi: *runs to her room* There it is *grabs her cellphone and runs downstairs* *opens the door* Come on. Let's-..........*opens her mouth*
Vixy: Chichi, I would like you to meet my cousin, Fredrick
Chichi: H-Hi F-Fred-drick *blushes*
Vixy: Fredrick, I would like you to meet my bestfriend, Chichi
Fredrick: Hi, nice to meet you, Chichi *wants to shake hands*
Chichi: hehe hehe N-Nice meeting you too *shakes hands*

Chichi's Thoughts
OMG! He's so handsome! Definitely more handsome than Bonbon. And he is so hot! Talk like a normal person, Chichi just take a deep breath

Chichi: I-I like your hat
Fredrick: Well, thank you
Chichi: Ehehe hehe *blushes*
Vixy: Hey....Chichi...Snap out of it! *snapping her fingers*
Chichi: Huh? What?
Vixy: We should be going now
Chichi: Oh yeah....let's go
Fredrick: Hop on guys
Vixy: You first, Chichi
Chichi: Okay
Fredrick: Where do you guys want to buy snacks?
Vixy: Let's go to a fast-food restaurant
Fredrick: What restaurant?
Vixy: How about Burger King?
Fredrick: Great! Let's go


Cashier: Welcome to Burger King! What is your order?
Fredrick: We would like to order 3 Burger King Whopper and 3 Large Coca-Cola
Cashier: Take Out or Dine In?
Fredrick: Take Out
Cashier: That will be 6 dollars and 75 cents
Fredrick: Here you go Ma'am *gives her the money*
Cashier: Here is your order, Sir. Have a nice day
Fredrick: Okay Guys we got our food, where do you want to go now?
Chichi: Let's go to the park
Vixy: That's a great idea
Fredrick: Get in the Car, Let's get movin'

Fredrick, Vixy and Chichi went to the park to have their picnic together

Fredrick: Here's your Burger and Coca-Cola, Couz
Vixy: Thanks, Couz
Fredrick: And here's yours, Chichi
Chichi: T-Thanks
Fredrick: Hmmm.....

Fredrick's Thoughts
She's a bit shy. What should I do? Think Fredrick..........Maybe I should go tell her how beautiful she is. That will work

Fredrick: Uhm...Chichi?
Chichi: Yes?
Fredrick: Can I tell you something personal?
Chichi: Sure
Fredrick: Realtalk:.....You look beautiful
Chichi: What?! I-I'm not *blushes* "He just told me that I'm beautiful! My gosh!" Wait...Is it me or are you flirting with me?
Fredrick: Me? Why do I flirt with you?
Chichi: Nothing, I'm just being curious
Fredrick: Don't tell Vixy that I said this to you, okay?
Chichi: Okay. Anyway, How old are you?
Fredrick: I'm 23, I was born on April 26, 1994
Chichi: We both have the same age but I was born on September 17, 1994
Fredrick: Oh I see.......Are you single?
Chichi: Why do you ask?
Fredrick: Nothing
Chichi: Yes, I'm single
Fredrick: Do you have a boyfriend before?
Chichi: ......Yes
Fredrick: Why did you two broke up?
Chichi: I-I don't wanna talk about it
Fredrick: Why not?
Chichi: I don't want to remember anything what happened.......How about you?
Are you single?
Fredrick: Yeah but I don't have a girlfriend before
Chichi: But somebody has a crush on you?
Fredrick: I don't know but I think you are
Chichi: Me? Have a crush on you? No, I haven't *blushes*
Fredrick: Don't lie to me. I can see it in your eyes. You have a crush on me, don't you?
Chichi: ......Yes, I do have a crush on you
Fredrick: I knew it! You do have a crush on me
Chichi: Now you know...
Fredrick: Well, thanks
Vixy: What are you guys talking about?
Chichi: We...uh...erm..
Fredrick: I'm just asking her personal identity to get to know her better
Vixy: Oh I see....Well, I'm gonna walk around the park. You guys have fun
Chichi: Okay
Fredrick: Have fun, Couz
Vixy: *walking around*
Bonbon: *jogging alone*
*Vixy and Bonbon bumped accidentally*
Vixy: Ow!
Bonbon: Oh Miss! I'm sorry. I didn't see you there
Vixy: It's okay, I wasn't hurt, seriously
*They both stand and look at each other*
Bonbon: Hi! What's your name?
Vixy: M-My name is V-Vixy *blushes* "He's so handsome! Oh My Goodness!"
Bonbon: Vixy.....can I get your number?
Vixy: Here. It's #256-3347
Bonbon: Thanks, I'll call you later. See you again, Vixy *jogs again*
Vixy: Wait! I forgot to ask you Oh well, He'll call me later. I can't wait! *tingles*

Fredrick: ...That's why I got the high score
Chichi: Wow! I'm impressed!
Vixy: Guys! Let's go home, it's getting late
Chichi: Oh yeah, we should be going now
Fredrick: Come on, Let's go

After 1 hour...

Vixy: Okay, see you next time, Couz
Fredrick: Okay, see you too. Bye, Chichi. See you next time *waves*
Chichi: Y-Yeah, see you too, Fredrick *blushes*
Fredrick: *smiles*
Vixy: Come on, Chichi. Let's go inside
Chichi: Coming!

Vixy: Chichi?
Chichi: Yeah?
Vixy: I noticed something, what's up with you and Fredrick?
Chichi: You have no idea
Vixy: Yeah right. Anyway Chichi, I have some great news!
Chichi: What is it?
Vixy: I was walking earlier at the park when someone bumps at me
Chichi: Who?
Vixy: I don't know, he never tell me his name
Chichi: Oh...Is he handsome?
Vixy: Yeah, He is
Chichi: Oh My God!
Vixy: He even get my number
Chichi: Wow!
*phone ringing*
Vixy: It's him! Be back later, Chichi
Chichi: Okay. *goes to her room and starts writing in her diary*

Dear Diary,

OMG! I just met a tall and handsome guy earlier. His name is "Fredrick". He's really sweet and kind. He kinda' noticed that I was blushing and I explained that I have a huge crush on him. I wish that he has a crush on me too.


Chichi: *sighs*

To be continued...

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