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10:00 pm...

Bon was at the bar, making himself drunk because of what Chichi said. He kept thinking every single minute while drinking

Bonbon: Can I have one more Martini, please?

Bartender: Right away, Sir

Bonbon: Oh, Chi, I thought we're okay...I just want things to be back like it used to be

Bartender: Here you go, Sir

Bonbon: Thanks

After an hour of drinking so much Martini, he became drunk. He walked and went to Chichi's house. He stood in front of her house

with 3 bottles of beer that he found at the sidewalk and started to shout

Bonbon: Chi!! I know you're in there! You better get out of the house!! (laughs) Chi!! I know you're there! Get out I say!!!

Fredrick: (gets out) Hey! What's all the racket?

Bonbon: Hey, Fred!! You son of a b*tch!!! Where's Chichi? Where's my girl? Let her out!!

Fredrick: Bon, I know you're drunk; you better get out of here...

Bonbon: Why?! Are you afraid? Are you afraid of me?

Fredrick: Bon, get out...NOW before I call the cops!!

Bonbon: Deep Sh*t!! Come here and fight me, you Fatty Asshole!!

Fredrick: What did you say to me?? (opens the gate)

Bonbon: Yeah, that's more like it!

They both fight outside Chichi's house. Bonbon was already swelling with blood all over his face beacuse of Fredrick's hard punches.

So, Bonbon pushed Fredrick and hit his car.

Chichi: What's all the-Oh My God!!

Vixy: What in the world-What the...?!

Chichi: Vixy, call the cops!

Vixy: Okay (runs inside and grabs her phone) (dialing) Hello? 911? Yes, you need to come here immediately!!...I don't know what

happpened...okay...thank you (call abort)

Chichi: What did they say?

Vixy: They said that they're coming

Chichi: Okay.......Bon! Fred! Stop!

Vixy: Guys! Stop that right now!

Fredrick: I'm going to kill you!!

Bonbon: Not if I kill you first!

Chichi and Vixy helped them seperate. Chichi grabs Fredrick while Vixy grabbed Bonbon

Chichi: Fred, Stop it, okay?

Fredrick: (nods)

Chichi: Bon, what're you doing here??

Bonbon: Chi, I come here to-(tries to hold Chichi's arm)

Chichi: Don't touch me

Bonbon: Why not? Is that how he treated you?

Chichi: Huh...Are you out of your mind?

Bonbon: Why are you believing to this motherf*cker??

Chichi: Bon, shut your mouth!!

Bonbon: Why? It's the truth!

Chichi: Bon, let me get this straight...I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE! Do you understand?! I can live my life without you

Fredrick: Yeah

Bonbon: Hey! Shut up! I'm not finished with you yet

Vixy: Bon!

Bonbon: What?!

Chichi: get out.....GO AWAY!!!

Bonbon: Fine...

Vixy lets go of Bonbon's arms. He was about to walk away but, he grabbed Fredrick on his shoulder and punches him right on the

face. They continued to fight in front of Chichi's house. Chichi kept trying to grab Fredrick but Bonbon won't let her. The cops arrived

and said...

Police: Hands up right now!!

Bonbon: (hands up)

Police: You're under arrest

Bonbon: B-But Officer, I-I didn't-

Police: You can explain everything later

Bonbon: Chi!! Chi!! Please! I'm begging you! Help me!

Chichi: I'm sorry, Bon. I tried to warn you but you didn't listen

Bonbon: Bu-But...

Police: Shut up!

The following day, Chichi, Vixy and Frederick decided to leave and head back to London to leave Bonbon for good

(car honks)

Vixy: Come on, guys, let's go...

Frederick: Chi, Are you alright?

Chichi: Oh, yeah, I'm fine

Frederick: Are you sure?

Chichi: Yeah....Come on, let's go...

Chichi, Vixy and Frederick enters the car. They didn't knew that Bonbon was walking towards Chichi's house

Bonbon: (walking) ....Hm? Chi? (ran towards the car) Chi! Please! Don't do this to me again. I need you!

Frederick: Let's go... (car moving)

Bonbon: Chi!! Stop!!! Wait!! Please!! Chi!!! (running) Chi!!! Chi!!! Wait! (stops and drops on his knees) ....please......stop.....Chi......I'm sorry...(starting to cry)

Bonbon cried and cried emotionally. Later on, he stood up and started to walk away. At his house, when he opened the door, he noticed that there was a letter on the door mat. He didn't even hesitate so he picked it up, and then he noticed the handwriting was cursive, it was from "Chichi". Bonbon froze temporarily after reading who the sender is. He was about to open it and read the letter, but he refused to do it so he just crumpled it and threw it into the trash bin

Bonbon: ....Aaaahhh!!!

He started to throw everything that was on the shelf, on the table, the living room, so were the fragile stuffs. Then, he dropped on the ground, leaned on the wall and sobbed continuously, trying to let it all out the pain that he has

Bonbon: I shouldn't have hoped that we could be together like we used to be. I shouldn't have wished that I could change just to make her fall in love with me again . I'm such a fool. I'm so stupid. And I want to move on...(cries)

To be continued...

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